@@ -2,24 +2,36 @@ package org.springblade.manager.feign;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.Wrappers;
+import com.spire.xls.*;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
+import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springblade.business.dto.TrialSelfInspectionRecordDTO;
+import org.springblade.business.entity.ContractLog;
import org.springblade.business.entity.InformationQuery;
+import org.springblade.business.feign.ContractLogClient;
import org.springblade.business.feign.InformationQueryClient;
+import org.springblade.common.utils.CommonUtil;
+import org.springblade.common.utils.SnowFlakeUtil;
import org.springblade.core.oss.model.BladeFile;
import org.springblade.core.tool.api.R;
-import org.springblade.core.tool.utils.Func;
-import org.springblade.core.tool.utils.ObjectUtil;
-import org.springblade.core.tool.utils.ResourceUtil;
+import org.springblade.core.tool.utils.*;
import org.springblade.manager.bean.TableInfo;
import org.springblade.manager.controller.ExcelTabController;
-import org.springblade.manager.entity.ExcelTab;
-import org.springblade.manager.entity.TrialSelfDataRecord;
+import org.springblade.manager.entity.*;
import org.springblade.manager.enums.ExecuteType;
+import org.springblade.manager.mapper.WbsTreePrivateMapper;
+import org.springblade.manager.service.IContractInfoService;
import org.springblade.manager.service.IExcelTabService;
+import org.springblade.manager.service.IProjectInfoService;
import org.springblade.manager.service.IWbsTreePrivateService;
import org.springblade.manager.utils.FileUtils;
import org.springblade.resource.feign.NewIOSSClient;
@@ -27,12 +39,19 @@ import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class ExcelTabClientImpl implements ExcelTabClient {
private final IExcelTabService excelTabService;
@@ -41,6 +60,10 @@ public class ExcelTabClientImpl implements ExcelTabClient {
private final InformationQueryClient informationQueryClient;
private final ExcelTabController excelTabController;
private final IWbsTreePrivateService wbsTreePrivateService;
+ private final ContractLogClient contractLogClient;
+ private final WbsTreePrivateMapper wbsTreePrivateMapper;
+ private final IProjectInfoService projectInfoService;
+ private final IContractInfoService contractInfoService;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExcelTabClientImpl.class);
@@ -171,4 +194,598 @@ public class ExcelTabClientImpl implements ExcelTabClient {
return pdfUrl;
+ @Override
+ public R<String> getTheContractLogBusinessData(String pkeyId, String nodePrimaryKeyId, String recordTime, String contractId, Long createUser) throws Exception {
+ String file_path = FileUtils.getSysLocalFileUrl();
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(recordTime)) {
+ recordTime = DateUtil.format(DateUtil.now(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
+ }
+ List<ContractLog> contractLogList = this.contractLogClient.queryContractLogByPrimaryKeyIdAndRecordTimeAndCreateUserList(nodePrimaryKeyId, recordTime, contractId,createUser);
+ List<String> ids = contractLogList.stream().map(ContractLog::getId).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ if (ids.size() > 0) {
+ List<String> pdfUrls = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (String dataId : ids) {
+ WbsTreePrivate tableNode = this.wbsTreePrivateService.getOne(Wrappers.<WbsTreePrivate>lambdaQuery().eq(WbsTreePrivate::getPKeyId, pkeyId));
+ if (tableNode == null) {
+ return R.fail("该数据下无此节点!");
+ }
+ String htmlString = this.getHtmlString(pkeyId);
+ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tableNode.getHtmlUrl()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(htmlString)) {
+ return R.fail("未获取到元素表信息!");
+ }
+ ExcelTab excelTab = excelTabService.getById(tableNode.getExcelId());
+ if (excelTab == null) {
+ return R.fail("失败");
+ }
+ List<Map<String, Object>> businessDataMapList = this.getTheLogBusinessData(dataId, nodePrimaryKeyId, recordTime, contractId).getData();
+ ProjectInfo projectInfo = projectInfoService.getById(tableNode.getProjectId());
+ for (Map<String, Object> dataMap : businessDataMapList) {
+ Workbook wb = new Workbook();
+ wb.loadFromMHtml(CommonUtil.getOSSInputStream(excelTab.getFileUrl()));
+ Worksheet sheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
+ Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlString);
+ Element table = doc.select("table").first();
+ Elements trs = table.select("tr");
+ CellRange[] columns = sheet.getMergedCells();
+ for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
+ CellRange cellRange = columns[i];
+ System.out.println(cellRange.getText());
+ if (cellRange.getStyle().getFont().getSize() >= 12 && Func.isNotEmpty(cellRange.getText())) {
+ String title = projectInfo.getProjectName();
+ if (title.length() >= 30) {
+ cellRange.setRowHeight(40);
+ cellRange.getStyle().setWrapText(true);
+ }
+ cellRange.getStyle().getFont().setSize(18);
+ cellRange.getStyle().setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignType.Center);
+ cellRange.setText(projectInfo.getProjectName());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ObjectUtil.isNotEmpty(dataMap)) {
+ for (String val : dataMap.keySet()) {
+ boolean flag=false;
+ if (val.indexOf("__") >= 0) {
+ String[] DataVal = val.split("__");
+ String[] xy = DataVal[1].split("_");
+ if (trs.size() > Integer.parseInt(xy[0])) {
+ Element trData = trs.get(Integer.parseInt(xy[0]));
+ Elements tdDatas = trData.select("td");
+ if (tdDatas.size() > Integer.parseInt(xy[1])) {
+ Element data = tdDatas.get(Integer.parseInt(xy[1]));
+ if(data.html().indexOf("date")>=0){
+ flag=true;
+ }
+ if (data.html().indexOf("x1") >= 0 && data.html().indexOf("y1") >= 0) {
+ int x1, y1;
+ if (data.html().indexOf("el-tooltip") >= 0) {
+ x1 = Integer.parseInt(data.children().get(0).children().get(0).attr("x1"));
+ y1 = Integer.parseInt(data.children().get(0).children().get(0).attr("y1"));
+ } else {
+ x1 = Integer.parseInt(data.children().get(0).attr("x1"));
+ y1 = Integer.parseInt(data.children().get(0).attr("y1"));
+ }
+ if (x1 == 0) {
+ x1 = 1;
+ }
+ String myData = dataMap.get(val) + "";
+ if (((myData.indexOf("T") >= 0 && myData.indexOf("-") >= 0) || (myData.indexOf(",") >= 0 && myData.indexOf("]") >= 0))&&flag) {
+ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
+ sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GTM+8"));
+ SimpleDateFormat formatStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日");
+ if (myData.indexOf(",") >= 0 && myData.indexOf("]") >= 0) {
+ myData = myData.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replaceAll("'", "");
+ String[] dataVal = myData.split(",");
+ Date Start_dataStr = sdf.parse(dataVal[0]);
+ Date end_dataStr = sdf.parse(dataVal[1]);
+ String StartDate = formatStr.format(Start_dataStr);
+ String endDate = formatStr.format(end_dataStr);
+ if (StartDate.equals(endDate)) {
+ myData = StartDate;
+ } else {
+ myData = StartDate + "-" + endDate;
+ }
+ } else {
+ String[] dataStr = myData.split("T")[0].split("-");
+ if (dataStr.length == 3) {
+ myData = StringUtil.format("{}年{}月{}日", dataStr[0], dataStr[1], Integer.parseInt(dataStr[2]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (myData.indexOf("http") >= 0 && (myData.indexOf("aliyuncs") >= 0 ||myData.indexOf("") >= 0)) {
+ Element element = trs.get(y1).select("td").get(x1);
+ String[] styles = element.attr("style").split(";");
+ int Height = 0;
+ for (String sty : styles) {
+ if (sty.indexOf("height:") >= 0) {
+ Height = Integer.parseInt(sty.replace("height:", "").replace("px", ""));
+ }
+ }
+ BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(CommonUtil.getOSSInputStream(myData));
+ ExcelPicture pic = sheet.getPictures().add(y1, x1, image);
+ pic.setHeight(Height);
+ sheet.getCellRange(y1, x1).getStyle().setShrinkToFit(true);
+ } else if (data.html().indexOf("hc-form-checkbox-group") >= 0) {
+ CellRange cellRange = sheet.getCellRange(y1, x1);
+ String exceVal = cellRange.getValue().replaceAll(" ", "");
+ if (exceVal.indexOf("□") >= 0) {
+ if (myData.equals("1")) {
+ cellRange.setValue(exceVal.replace("□", "\u2611"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ List<Node> nodes = data.childNodes();
+ Node node = nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1);
+ String dataJson = node.attr(":objs");
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dataJson)) {
+ JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.parseArray(dataJson);
+ List<Integer> idList = Func.toIntList(myData);
+ int indexx = 0;
+ if (idList.get(0) >= 1) {
+ indexx = idList.get(0) - 1;
+ }
+ String dataInfo = jsonArray.getJSONObject(indexx).getString("name");
+ for (int inx = 1; inx < idList.size(); inx++) {
+ int valIndex = idList.get(inx) - 1;
+ dataInfo = dataInfo + "," + jsonArray.getJSONObject(valIndex).getString("name");
+ }
+ cellRange.setValue(dataInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ final CellRange cellRange = sheet.getCellRange(y1, x1);
+ cellRange.setText(myData);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Elements dqids = table.getElementsByAttribute("dqid");
+ for (Element element : dqids) {
+ String dqid = element.attr("dqid");
+ Elements x11 = element.getElementsByAttribute("x1");
+ if (x11 != null && x11.size() >= 1) {
+ Element element1 = x11.get(x11.size() - 1);
+ int x1 = Func.toInt(element1.attr("x1"));
+ int y1 = Func.toInt(element1.attr("y1"));
+ CellRange cellRange = sheet.getCellRange(y1, x1);
+ if (cellRange != null) {
+ cellRange.setText(dqid);
+ cellRange.getCellStyle().getExcelFont().setSize(1);
+ cellRange.getCellStyle().getExcelFont().setColor(Color.WHITE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Long fileName = SnowFlakeUtil.getId();
+ String onePdfPath = file_path + "/pdf//" + fileName + ".pdf";
+ log.info("66666666666666666666666666666666"+onePdfPath);
+ sheet.saveToPdf(onePdfPath);
+ BladeFile bladeFile = this.newIOSSClient.uploadFile(fileName + ".pdf", onePdfPath);
+ log.info("7777777777777777777777777777777"+bladeFile);
+ pdfUrls.add(bladeFile.getLink());
+ wb.dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ if (pdfUrls.size() > 0) {
+ try {
+ String mergePdfPath = file_path + "/pdf//" + SnowFlakeUtil.getId() + ".pdf";
+ File oldMergePdf = ResourceUtil.getFile(mergePdfPath);
+ if (oldMergePdf.exists()) {
+ oldMergePdf.delete();
+ }
+ FileUtils.mergePdfPublicMethods(pdfUrls, mergePdfPath);
+ log.info("mergePdfPath111111111111111111111111111111111:"+mergePdfPath);
+ log.info("pdfUrls222222222222222222222222222222222222222"+pdfUrls+
+ "55555555555555555555555555555555"+JSONObject.toJSONString(pdfUrls));
+ BladeFile mergeFile = this.newIOSSClient.uploadFile(SnowFlakeUtil.getId() + new Date().getTime() + ".pdf", mergePdfPath);
+ log.info("mergeFile3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333"+mergeFile
+ +"4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444"
+ +JSONObject.toJSONString(mergeFile));
+ this.contractLogClient.updateTheLogPdfUrlByIds(StringUtils.join(ids, ","), mergeFile.getLink());
+ return R.data("成功");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return R.fail("数据异常");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return R.data("成功");
+ }
+ private String getHtmlString(String pkeyId) throws Exception {
+ WbsTreePrivate wbsTreePrivate = wbsTreePrivateMapper.selectOne(Wrappers.<WbsTreePrivate>query().lambda()
+ .select(WbsTreePrivate::getHtmlUrl)
+ .eq(WbsTreePrivate::getPKeyId, pkeyId));
+ if (wbsTreePrivate == null || wbsTreePrivate.getHtmlUrl() == null) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ String fileUrl = wbsTreePrivate.getHtmlUrl();
+ InputStream fileInputStream = FileUtils.getInputStreamByUrl(fileUrl);
+ String htmlString = IoUtil.readToString(fileInputStream);
+ htmlString = htmlString.replaceAll("placeholder", "placeholderxx");
+ Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlString);
+ return doc.select("table").first() + "";
+ }
+ public R<List<Map<String, Object>>> getTheLogBusinessData(String theLogId, String nodePrimaryKeyId, String recordTime, String contractId) {
+ List<Map<String, Object>> resultMapList = new ArrayList<>();
+ String logId2 = "";
+ String dataIds;
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(theLogId)) {
+ String[] split = theLogId.split(",");
+ List<String> ids = new LinkedList<>();
+ for (String logId : split) {
+ ContractLog contractLog = contractLogClient.queryContractLogByIdToObj(logId);
+ ids.add(contractLog.getDataId().toString());
+ }
+ dataIds = ids.stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
+ } else {
+ List<ContractLog> contractLogs = this.contractLogClient.queryContractLogByPrimaryKeyIdAndRecordTimeList(nodePrimaryKeyId, recordTime, contractId);
+ if (contractLogs.size() == 0){
+ logId2="";
+ }else {
+ logId2=contractLogs.get(0).getId()+"";
+ }
+ dataIds = contractLogs.stream().map(ContractLog::getDataId).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
+ }
+ WbsTreePrivate node = this.wbsTreePrivateService.getOne(Wrappers.<WbsTreePrivate>lambdaQuery().eq(WbsTreePrivate::getPKeyId, nodePrimaryKeyId));
+ WbsTreePrivate tableNode2 = this.wbsTreePrivateService.getOne(Wrappers.<WbsTreePrivate>lambdaQuery()
+ .eq(WbsTreePrivate::getParentId, node.getId()).eq(WbsTreePrivate::getProjectId, node.getProjectId()));
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dataIds)) {
+ for (String dataId : dataIds.split(",")) {
+ Map<String, Object> reData = new HashMap<>();
+ reData.put("",logId2);
+ String tabName = tableNode2.getInitTableName();
+ String isExitSql = " select * from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_NAME='" + tabName + "'";
+ List<Map<String, Object>> tabList = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(isExitSql);
+ if (tabList.size() <= 0) {
+ return R.fail("无实体表对应");
+ }
+ String querySql = "SELECT * FROM " + tabName + " WHERE id = " + dataId + " and group_id = " + tableNode2.getPKeyId();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> businessDataMap = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(querySql);
+ if (businessDataMap.size() > 0) {
+ try {
+ if (tableNode2.getHtmlUrl()!=null) {
+ InputStream inputStreamByUrl = FileUtils.getInputStreamByUrl(tableNode2.getHtmlUrl());
+ String htmlString = IoUtil.readToString(inputStreamByUrl);
+ Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlString);
+ Elements dwtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=.*承包单位]");
+ Elements sgtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=^施工单位]");
+ Elements sgtitle1 = doc.select("el-input[placeholder=安装单位]");
+ sgtitle.addAll(sgtitle1);
+ Elements htdtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=.*合同号.*]");
+ Elements htdtitle1 = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=合同段.*]");
+ htdtitle.addAll(htdtitle1);
+ Elements jltitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=监理单位.*]");
+ Elements bhtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=^编号]");
+ Elements bhtitle1 = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=合同编号.*]");
+ bhtitle.addAll(bhtitle1);
+ Elements xmtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=^项目名称]");
+ * 承包单位 承包单位、施工单位:引用施工单位名称 ,
+ * 监理单位:引用监理单位名称
+ * 合同段、所属建设项目(合同段):引用合同段编号
+ *
+ * 施工单位:施工单位 和 安装单位
+ *
+ */
+ ContractInfo contractInfo = contractInfoService.getById(contractId);
+ if (dwtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ int y = Integer.parseInt(dwtitle.attr("trindex"));
+ if (y <= 10) {
+ reData.put(dwtitle.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getConstructionUnitName());
+ }
+ }
+ if (sgtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ int y = Integer.parseInt(sgtitle.attr("trindex"));
+ if (y <= 10) {
+ reData.put(sgtitle.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getConstructionUnitName());
+ }
+ }
+ if (htdtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : htdtitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 8) {
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getContractNumber());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (jltitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : jltitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 10) {
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getSupervisionUnitName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (xmtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : xmtitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 6) {
+ ProjectInfo projectInfo = projectInfoService.getById(tableNode2.getProjectId());
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), projectInfo.getProjectName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Elements dateTitle = doc.select("el-date-picker[placeholder~=日期]");
+ if (dateTitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : dateTitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 10) {
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), recordTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Elements elements = doc.getElementsByAttribute("defText");
+ if(Func.isNotEmpty(elements) && elements.size()>=1){
+ for(Element eleme: elements){
+ String id = Func.isNull(eleme.attr("id"))?eleme.attr("keyname"):eleme.attr("id");
+ if(Func.isNotEmpty(id)){
+ reData.put(id, eleme.attr("defText"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ for (Map<String, Object> mysqlData : businessDataMap) {
+ String querySqlx = "SELECT tree_primary_key_id as primaryKeyId,title as path from u_contract_log_wbs where business_id ='" + dataId + "' and is_deleted = 0";
+ List<Map<String, Object>> businessDat = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(querySqlx);
+ reData.put("linkTabIds", businessDat);
+ for (String key : mysqlData.keySet()) {
+ String tabVal = mysqlData.get(key) + "";
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tabVal) && !tabVal.equals("null")) {
+ if (tabVal.indexOf("T") >= 0 && tabVal.indexOf(".000Z]") >= 0) {
+ String[] tabData = tabVal.split("_\\^_");
+ if (reData.containsKey("pickerKey")) {
+ String pickerKey = reData.get("pickerKey") + "," + key + "__" + tabData[1];
+ reData.put("pickerKey", pickerKey);
+ } else {
+ reData.put("pickerKey", key + "__" + tabData[1]);
+ }
+ String sql = tabData[0];
+ sql = sql.replaceAll("\\[", "['");
+ sql = sql.replaceAll("]", "']");
+ sql = sql.replaceAll("000Z,", "000Z',");
+ sql = sql.replaceAll(", 20", ", '20");
+ sql = sql.replaceAll("'", "");
+ reData.put(key + "__" + tabData[1], sql);
+ } else if (tabVal.indexOf("T") >= 0 && tabVal.indexOf(".000Z") >= 0) {
+ String[] tabData = tabVal.split("_\\^_");
+ reData.put(key + "__" + tabData[1], tabData[0]);
+ } else if (tabVal.indexOf("☆") >= 0) {
+ String[] mysql = tabVal.split("☆");
+ for (String data : mysql) {
+ String[] tabData = data.split("_\\^_");
+ reData.put(key + "__" + tabData[1], tabData[0]);
+ }
+ } else if (tabVal.indexOf("_^_") >= 0) {
+ String[] tabData = tabVal.split("_\\^_");
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tabData[0])) {
+ if (tabVal.contains("[") && tabVal.contains("年")) {
+ String[] strings = StringUtils.strip(tabData[0], "[]").split(",");
+ reData.put(key + "__" + tabData[1], strings);
+ }
+ if (tabVal.contains("[") && tabVal.contains("]") && tabVal.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
+ String[] strings = StringUtils.strip(tabData[0], "[]").split(",");
+ reData.put(key + "__" + tabData[1], strings);
+ }
+ if(tabVal.contains("[")&&tabVal.contains("]")&&tabVal.indexOf(",")==-1){
+ String[]strings= new String[]{StringUtils.strip(tabData[0],"[]")};
+ reData.put(key+"__"+tabData[1],strings);
+ }
+ else {
+ reData.put(key + "__" + tabData[1], tabData[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ reData.put(key, tabVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ reData.remove("p_key_id");
+ reData.remove("classify");
+ reData.remove("contractId");
+ reData.remove("pkeyId");
+ reData.remove("projectId");
+ }
+ if (reData.size() > 0) {
+ resultMapList.add(reData);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Map<String, Object> reData2 = new HashMap<>();
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ Map<String, Object> reData = new HashMap<>();
+ try {
+ if (tableNode2.getHtmlUrl()!=null) {
+ InputStream inputStreamByUrl = FileUtils.getInputStreamByUrl(tableNode2.getHtmlUrl());
+ String htmlString = IoUtil.readToString(inputStreamByUrl);
+ Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlString);
+ Elements dwtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=.*承包单位]");
+ Elements sgtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=^施工单位]");
+ Elements sgtitle1 = doc.select("el-input[placeholder=安装单位]");
+ sgtitle.addAll(sgtitle1);
+ Elements htdtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=.*合同号.*]");
+ Elements htdtitle1 = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=合同段.*]");
+ htdtitle.addAll(htdtitle1);
+ Elements jltitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=监理单位.*]");
+ Elements jltit = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=监理机构.*]");
+ jltitle.addAll(jltit);
+ Elements bhtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=^编号]");
+ Elements bhtitle1 = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=合同编号.*]");
+ bhtitle.addAll(bhtitle1);
+ Elements xmtitle = doc.select("el-input[placeholder~=^项目名称]");
+ Elements dateTitle = doc.select("el-date-picker[placeholder~=日期]");
+ * 承包单位 承包单位、施工单位:引用施工单位名称 ,
+ * 监理单位:引用监理单位名称
+ * 合同段、所属建设项目(合同段):引用合同段编号
+ *
+ * 施工单位:施工单位 和 安装单位
+ *
+ */
+ ContractInfo contractInfo = contractInfoService.getById(contractId);
+ if (dwtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ int y = Integer.parseInt(dwtitle.attr("trindex"));
+ if (y <= 10) {
+ reData.put(dwtitle.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getConstructionUnitName());
+ }
+ }
+ if (sgtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ int y = Integer.parseInt(sgtitle.attr("trindex"));
+ if (y <= 10) {
+ reData.put(sgtitle.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getConstructionUnitName());
+ }
+ }
+ if (htdtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : htdtitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 8) {
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getContractNumber());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (jltitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : jltitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 10) {
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), contractInfo.getSupervisionUnitName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (xmtitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : xmtitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 6) {
+ ProjectInfo projectInfo = projectInfoService.getById(tableNode2.getProjectId());
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), projectInfo.getProjectName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dateTitle.size() >= 1) {
+ for (Element element : dateTitle) {
+ int trindex = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("trindex"));
+ if (trindex <= 10) {
+ reData.put(element.attr("keyName"), recordTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Elements elements = doc.getElementsByAttribute("defText");
+ if(Func.isNotEmpty(elements) && elements.size()>=1){
+ for(Element eleme: elements){
+ String id = Func.isNull(eleme.attr("id"))?eleme.attr("keyname"):eleme.attr("id");
+ if(Func.isNotEmpty(id)){
+ reData.put(id, eleme.attr("defText"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if (reData.size() > 0) {
+ resultMapList.add(reData);
+ }
+ }
+ return R.data(resultMapList);
+ }