@@ -180,5 +180,25 @@
from s_contract_inventory_form scif where contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0
order by -sort desc,create_time
+ <select id="getChildNodeResolveForm" resultType="org.springblade.meter.vo.ContractFromVO">
+ select ifm.id, ifm.contract_form_id ,cif.form_number,cif.form_name,cif.current_price,cif.contract_total,cif.change_total,cif.is_supplement,ifm.up_pay_ratio as upPayRatio,
+ ifm.build_picture_total,ifm.change_build_picture_total,ifm.build_picture_money,ifm.change_build_picture_money,
+ if(ifm.build_picture_total=ifm.change_build_picture_total,if((select count(1) from s_inventory_form_apply
+ where contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0 and contract_form_id = ifm.contract_form_id and contract_meter_id = ifm.contract_meter_id)=0,
+ if((select count(1) from s_change_token_inventory
+ where contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0 and contract_form_id = ifm.contract_form_id and contract_meter_id = ifm.contract_meter_id)=0,0,1)
+ ,1),1) as citeStatus,
+ IFNULL((SELECT SUM(change_build_picture_total) from s_inventory_form_meter WHERE contract_id = #{contractId} and contract_form_id = cif.id
+ and is_deleted = 0 and contract_meter_id and contract_meter_id != #{meterId}),0) as otherPoseNum,
+ IFNULL((SELECT SUM(change_build_picture_total) from s_inventory_form_meter
+ WHERE contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0 and contract_form_id = cif.id),0) as poseNum
+ from s_inventory_form_meter ifm left join s_contract_inventory_form cif on ifm.contract_form_id = cif.id
+ WHERE ifm.contract_id = #{contractId} and ifm.is_deleted = 0
+ and ifm.contract_meter_id in (
+ select id from s_meter_tree_contract where contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0 and FIND_IN_SET(#{meterId},ancestor) > 0
+ )
+ </select>