@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ public class UserServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl<UserMapper, User> implement
if (new Integer(1).equals(contractInfo.getContractType())) {
String sql = "SELECT is_custom,p_key_id,contract_id," +
"(SELECT id FROM u_contract_tree_drawings WHERE process_id = p_key_id AND is_deleted = 0 limit 1) AS drawingsId," +
- "id,parent_id,node_type,type,wbs_type,is_concrete,major_data_type,partition_code,old_id,contract_id_relation,is_concealed_works_node," +
+ "id,parent_id,node_type,type,wbs_type,is_buss_show as isBussShow,is_concrete,major_data_type,partition_code,old_id,contract_id_relation,is_concealed_works_node," +
"CASE (SELECT count(1) FROM u_tree_contract_first AS tcf WHERE tcf.is_deleted = 0 AND tcf.wbs_node_id = a.p_key_id) " +
"WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE 'true' END AS isFirst,IFNULL(if(length(trim(full_name))>0,full_name,node_name),node_name) AS title," +
"(SELECT CASE WHEN count(1) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM m_wbs_tree_contract b WHERE b.parent_id = a.id AND b.type = 1" +