
2024 3 26 号

zhuwei 11 ヶ月 前

+ 2 - 2

@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
                CASE when approve_status = 0 then '未上报' when approve_status = 1 then '待审批' when approve_status = 2 then '已审批'
                     else '已废除' end as approveStatusName,
                (select period_number from s_contract_meter_period cmp where cmp.id = mma.contract_period_id) as periodNumber,
-               (SELECT raw_url from s_interim_pay_certificate where contract_id=#{apply.contractId} and contract_period_id=#{apply.contractPeriodId} ) as periodPdfUrl
+               (SELECT raw_url from s_interim_pay_certificate where contract_id=#{apply.contractId} and contract_period_id=#{apply.contractPeriodId} and is_deleted=0) as periodPdfUrl
         FROM s_middle_meter_apply mma
         WHERE contract_id = #{apply.contractId} and is_deleted = 0
         <if test="apply.contractPeriodId != -1">
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
                CASE when approve_status = 0 then '未上报' when approve_status = 1 then '待审批' when approve_status = 2 then '已审批'
                     else '已废除' end as approveStatusName,
                (select period_number from s_contract_meter_period cmp where cmp.id = mma.contract_period_id) as periodNumber,
-               (SELECT raw_url from s_interim_pay_certificate where contract_id=#{apply.contractId} and contract_period_id=mma.contract_period_id ) as periodPdfUrl
+               (SELECT raw_url from s_interim_pay_certificate where contract_id=#{apply.contractId} and contract_period_id=mma.contract_period_id and is_deleted=0) as periodPdfUrl
         FROM s_middle_meter_apply mma
         WHERE contract_id = #{apply.contractId} and is_deleted = 0
         <if test="apply.contractPeriodId != -1">