@@ -674,30 +674,6 @@
-<!-- <select id="getListByContractId" resultType="org.springblade.business.entity.ArchiveFile">-->
-<!-- select id,-->
-<!-- project_id as projectId,-->
-<!-- node_id as nodeId,-->
-<!-- node_ext_id as nodeExtId,-->
-<!-- file_name as fileName,-->
-<!-- pdf_file_url as pdfFileUrl,-->
-<!-- sort-->
-<!-- from u_archive_file-->
-<!-- where contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0;-->
-<!-- </select>-->
-<!-- <select id="getInformationByContractId" resultMap="org.springblade.business.entity.InformationQuery">-->
-<!-- id,-->
-<!-- wbs_id as wbsId,-->
-<!-- name,-->
-<!-- e_visa_pdf_url as eVisaPdfUrl,-->
-<!-- business_time as businessTime,-->
-<!-- e_visa_pdf_page as eVisaPdfPage,-->
-<!-- e_visa_pdf_size as eVisaPdfSize-->
-<!-- from u_information_query-->
-<!-- where is_deleted = 0-->
-<!-- and contract_id = #{contractId} and is_deleted = 0;-->
-<!-- </select>-->
<!-- 批量添加归档合同树 -->
<insert id="batchInsertArchiveTreeContract" parameterType="java.util.List">