6.2 KB

title: Tabs

lang: en-US


Divide data collections which are related yet belong to different types.

Basic usage

Basic and concise tabs.

:::demo Tabs provide a selective card functionality. By default the first tab is selected as active, and you can activate any tab by setting the value attribute.



Card Style

Tabs styled as cards.

:::demo Set type to card can get a card-styled tab.



Border card

Border card tabs.

:::demo Set type to border-card.



Tab position

You can use tab-position attribute to set the tab's position.

:::demo You can choose from four directions: tabPosition="left|right|top|bottom"



Custom Tab

You can use named slot to customize the tab label content.




Add & close tab

Only card type Tabs support addable & closeable.




Customized trigger button of new tab




Tabs Attributes

Name Description Type Accepted Values Default
model-value / v-model binding value, name of the selected tab string / number name of first tab
type type of Tab string card/border-card
closable whether Tab is closable boolean false
addable whether Tab is addable boolean false
editable whether Tab is addable and closable boolean false
tab-position position of tabs string top/right/bottom/left top
stretch whether width of tab automatically fits its container boolean - false
before-leave hook function before switching tab. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, switching will be prevented Function(activeName, oldActiveName)

Tabs Events

Name Description Parameters
tab-click triggers when a tab is clicked (pane: TabsPaneContext, ev: Event)
tab-change triggers when activeName is changed (name: TabPaneName)
tab-remove triggers when tab-remove button is clicked (name: TabPaneName)
tab-add triggers when tab-add button is clicked
edit triggers when tab-add button or tab-remove is clicked (paneName: TabPaneName \| undefined, action: 'remove' \| 'add')

Tabs Slots

Name Description Subtags
- customize default content Tab-pane

Tab-pane Attributes

Name Description Type Accepted Values Default
label title of the tab string
disabled whether Tab is disabled boolean false
name identifier corresponding to the name of Tabs, representing the alias of the tab-pane string / number ordinal number of the tab-pane in the sequence, e.g. the first tab-pane is '0'
closable whether Tab is closable boolean false
lazy whether Tab is lazily rendered boolean false

Tab-pane Slots

Name Description
- Tab-pane's content
label Tab-pane's label