uz-uz.ts 2.8 KB

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  69. noMatch: 'Mos maʼlumot topilmadi',
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  87. deleteTip: 'Oʻchirish tugmasini bosib oʻchiring',
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  89. preview: 'Oldin koʻrish',
  90. continue: 'Davom qilish',
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  93. emptyText: 'Boʻsh',
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  96. clearFilter: 'Jami',
  97. sumText: 'Summasi',
  98. },
  99. tree: {
  100. emptyText: 'Maʼlumot yoʻq',
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  104. noData: 'Maʼlumot yoʻq',
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