title: Dark Mode
After a long time, Element Plus supports dark mode!
We extracted and unified all necessary variables to make it possible to implement based on CSS Vars.
First you can create a switch to toggle dark
class of html.
If you only need dark mode, just add
class for html.
<html class="dark">
If you want to toggle it, i recommend useDark | VueUse.
Then, you can quickly enable it with just one line of code to import CSS in your entry.
// main.ts
// if you just want to import css
import 'element-plus/theme-chalk/dark/css-vars.css'
If you want an example, you can refer to element-plus-vite-starter.
Just override it by CSS Vars.
For example, new file styles/dark/css-vars.css
html.dark {
/* custom dark bg color */
--el-bg-color: #626aef;
Import it after styles of Element Plus:
// main.ts
import 'element-plus/theme-chalk/dark/css-vars.css'
import './styles/dark/css-vars.css'
If you use scss, you can also import scss file to compile.
You can refer Theming to get more info.
// styles/element/index.scss
/*just override what you need*/
@forward 'element-plus/theme-chalk/src/dark/var.scss' with (
$bg-color: (
'page': #0a0a0a,
'': #626aef,
'overlay': #1d1e1f,
// main.ts
import './styles/element/index.scss'
// or just want to import scss?
// import 'element-plus/theme-chalk/src/dark/css-vars.scss'