title: TreeSelect
The tree selector of the dropdown menu,
it combines the functions of components el-tree
and el-select
This component requires the <client-only></client-only>
wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).
Selector for tree structures.
When using the check-strictly=true
attribute, any node can be checked,
otherwise only leaf nodes are supported.
When using show-checkbox
, since check-on-click-node
is false by default,
it can only be selected by checking, you can set it to true,
and then click the node to select.
Multiple selection using clicks or checkbox.
Disable options using the disabled field.
Use keyword filtering or custom filtering methods.
can custom filter method for data,
can custom filter method for data node.
Contents of custom tree nodes.
Lazy loading of tree nodes, suitable for large data lists.
Since this component combines the functions of components el-tree
and el-select
the original properties have not been changed, so no repetition here,
and please go to the original component to view the documentation.
Attributes | Methods | Events | Slots |
tree | tree | tree | tree |
select | select | select | select |
Name | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
cacheData (> 2.2.26) | The cached data of the lazy node, the structure is the same as the data, used to get the label of the unloaded data | array | — | — |