time-picker.md 6.9 KB

title: TimePicker

lang: en-US


Use Time Picker for time input.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).


Arbitrary time picker

Can pick an arbitrary time.

:::demo By default, you can scroll the mouse wheel to pick time, alternatively you can use the control arrows when the arrow-control attribute is set.



Limit the time range

You can also limit the time range.

:::demo Limit the time range by specifying disabledHours disabledMinutes and disabledSeconds.



Arbitrary time range

Can pick an arbitrary time range.

:::demo We can pick a time range by adding an is-range attribute. Also, arrow-control is supported in range mode.




Name Description Type Accepted Values Default
model-value / v-model binding value, if it is an array, the length should be 2 Date / number / string / Array
readonly whether TimePicker is read only boolean false
disabled whether TimePicker is disabled boolean false
editable whether the input is editable boolean true
clearable whether to show clear button boolean true
size size of Input string large / default / small
placeholder placeholder in non-range mode string
start-placeholder placeholder for the start time in range mode string
end-placeholder placeholder for the end time in range mode string
is-range whether to pick a time range boolean false
arrow-control whether to pick time using arrow buttons boolean false
popper-class custom class name for TimePicker's dropdown string
range-separator range separator string '-'
format format of the displayed value in the input box string see date formats HH:mm:ss
default-value optional, default date of the calendar Date / [Date, Date]
id same as id in native input string / [string, string] -
name same as name in native input string
prefix-icon Custom prefix icon component string \| Component Clock
clear-icon Custom clear icon component string \| Component CircleClose
disabled-hours To specify the array of hours that cannot be selected function
disabled-minutes To specify the array of minutes that cannot be selected Function(selectedHour)
disabled-seconds To specify the array of seconds that cannot be selected Function(selectedHour, selectedMinute)
teleported whether time-picker dropdown is teleported to the body boolean true / false true


Name Description Parameters
change triggers when user confirms the value (val: typeof v-model)
blur triggers when Input blurs (e: FocusEvent)
focus triggers when Input focuses (e: FocusEvent)
visible-change triggers when the TimePicker's dropdown appears/disappears (visibility: boolean)


Method Description Parameters
focus focus the Input component
blur blur the Input component
handleOpen open the TimePicker popper
handleClose close the TimePicker popper