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title: Skeleton

lang: en-US


When loading data, and you need a rich experience for visual and interactions for your end users, you can choose skeleton.

Basic usage

The basic skeleton.




Configurable Rows

You can configure the row numbers yourself, for more precise rendering effect, the actual rendered row number will always be 1 row more than the given number, that is because we are rendering a title row with 33% width of the others.





We have provided a switch flag indicating whether showing the loading animation, called animated when this is true, all children of el-skeleton will show animation




Customized Template

Element Plus only provides the most common template, sometimes that could be a problem, so you have a slot named template to do that work.

Also we have provided different types skeleton unit that you can choose, for more detailed info, please scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the API description. Also, when building your own customized skeleton structure, you should be structuring them as closer to the real DOM as possible, which avoiding the DOM bouncing caused by the height difference.




Loading state

When Loading ends, we always need to show the real UI with data to our end users. with the attribute loading we can control whether showing the DOM. You can also use slot default to structure the real DOM element.




Rendering a list of data

Most of the time, skeleton is used as indicators of rendering a list of data which haven't been fetched from server yet, then we need to create a list of skeleton out of no where to make it look like it is loading, with count attribute, you can control how many these templates you need to render to the browser.


We do not recommend rendering lots of fake UI to the browser, it will still cause the performance issue, it also costs longer to destroy the skeleton. Keep count as small as it can be to make better user experience.





Avoiding rendering bouncing.

Sometimes API responds very quickly, when that happens, the skeleton just gets rendered to the DOM then it needs to switch back to real DOM, that causes the sudden flashy. To avoid such thing, you can use the throttle attribute.




Skeleton API

Skeleton Attributes

Name Description Type Default
animated whether showing the animation boolean false
count how many fake items to render to the DOM number 1
loading whether showing the real DOM boolean false
rows numbers of the row, only useful when no template slot were given number 3
throttle Rendering delay in milliseconds number 0

Skeleton Slots

Name Description Scope
default Real rendering DOM $attrs
template Custom rendering skeleton template { key: number }

Skeleton Item API

Skeleton Item Attributes

Name Description Type Default
variant The current rendering skeleton type 'p' \| 'text' \| 'h1' \| 'h3' \| 'caption' \| 'button' \| 'image' \| 'circle' \| 'rect' 'text'