5.2 KB

title: Scrollbar

lang: en-US


Used to replace the browser's native scrollbar.

Basic usage

:::demo Use height property to set the height of the scrollbar, or if not set, it adapts according to the parent container height.



Horizontal scroll

:::demo When the element width is greater than the scrollbar width, the horizontal scrollbar is displayed.



Max height

:::demo The scrollbar is displayed only when the element height exceeds the max height.



Manual scroll

:::demo Use setScrollTop and setScrollLeft methods can control scrollbar manually.





Name Description Type Default
height height of scrollbar ^[string] / ^[number]
max-height max height of scrollbar ^[string] / ^[number]
native whether to use the native scrollbar style ^[boolean] false
wrap-style style of wrap container ^[string] / ^[object]CSSProperties \| CSSProperties[] \| string[]
wrap-class class of wrap container ^[string]
view-style style of view ^[string] / ^[object]CSSProperties \| CSSProperties[] \| string[]
view-class class of view ^[string]
noresize do not respond to container size changes, if the container size does not change, it is better to set it to optimize performance ^[boolean] false
tag element tag of the view ^[string] div
always always show scrollbar ^[boolean] false
min-size minimum size of scrollbar ^[number] 20


Name Description Type
scroll triggers when scrolling, return distance of scrolling ^[Function]({ scrollLeft: number, scrollTop: number }) => void


Name Description
default customize default content


Name Description Type
handleScroll handle scroll event ^[Function]() => void
scrollTo scrolls to a particular set of coordinates ^[Function](options: ScrollToOptions \| number, yCoord?: number) => void
setScrollTop Set distance to scroll top ^[Function](scrollTop: number) => void
setScrollLeft Set distance to scroll left ^[Function](scrollLeft: number) => void
update update scrollbar state manually ^[Function]() => void
wrapRef scrollbar wrap ref ^[object]Ref<HTMLDivElement>