5.2 KB

title: Radio

lang: en-US


Single selection among multiple options.

Basic usage

Radio should not have too many options. Otherwise, use the Select component instead.

:::demo Creating a radio component is easy, you just need to bind a variable to Radio's v-model. It equals to the value of label of the chosen radio. The type of label is String, Number or Boolean.




disabled attribute is used to disable the radio.

:::demo You just need to add the disabled attribute.



Radio button group

Suitable for choosing from some mutually exclusive options.

:::demo Combine el-radio-group with el-radio to display a radio group. Bind a variable with v-model of el-radio-group element and set label value in el-radio. It also provides change event with the current value as its parameter.



Button style

Radio with button styles.

:::demo You just need to change el-radio element into el-radio-button element. We also provide size attribute.



With borders

:::demo The border attribute adds a border to Radios.



Radio API

Radio Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean]
label the value of Radio ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean]
disabled whether Radio is disabled ^[boolean] false
border whether to add a border around Radio ^[boolean] false
size size of the Radio ^[enum]'large' \| 'default' \| 'small'
name native name attribute ^[string]

Radio Events

Name Description Type
change triggers when the bound value changes ^[Function](value: string \| number \| boolean) => void

Radio Slots

Name Description
default customize default content

RadioGroup API

RadioGroup Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean]
size the size of radio buttons or bordered radios ^[string] default
disabled whether the nesting radios are disabled ^[boolean] false
text-color font color when button is active ^[string] #ffffff
fill border and background color when button is active ^[string] #409EFF
validate-event whether to trigger form validation ^[boolean] true
label same as aria-label in RadioGroup ^[string]
name native name attribute ^[string]
id native id attribute ^[string]

RadioGroup Events

Name Description Type
change triggers when the bound value changes ^[Function](value: string \| number \| boolean) => void

RadioGroup Slots

Name Description Subtags
default customize default content Radio / RadioButton

RadioButton API

RadioButton Attributes

Name Description Type Default
label the value of Radio ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean]
disabled whether Radio is disabled ^[boolean] false
name native 'name' attribute ^[string]

RadioButton Slots

Name Description
default customize default content