popconfirm.md 3.8 KB

title: Popconfirm

lang: en-US


A simple confirmation dialog of an element click action.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).


Basic usage

Popconfirm is similar to Popover. So for some duplicated attributes, please refer to the documentation of Popover.

:::demo Only title attribute is available in Popconfirm, content will be ignored.




You can customize Popconfirm like:




Trigger event

Click the button to trigger the event





Name Description Type Accepted Values Default
title Title String
confirm-button-text Confirm button text String
cancel-button-text Cancel button text String
confirm-button-type Confirm button type String primary / success / warning / danger / info / text primary
cancel-button-type Cancel button type String primary / success / warning / danger / info / text text
icon Icon Component string \| Component QuestionFilled
icon-color Icon color String #f90
hide-icon is hide Icon Boolean false
teleported whether popconfirm is teleported to the body boolean true / false true
persistent when popconfirm inactive and persistent is false , popconfirm will be destroyed boolean false
width popconfirm width string/number - Min width 150px


Name Description
reference HTML element that triggers Popconfirm


Name Description Parameters
confirm triggers when click confirm button
cancel triggers when click cancel button