title: Image
Besides the native features of img, support lazy load, custom placeholder and load failure, etc.
:::demo Indicate how the image should be resized to fit its container by fit
, same as native object-fit.
:::demo Custom placeholder content when image hasn't loaded yet by slot = placeholder
:::demo Custom failed content when error occurs to image load by slot = error
Native loading
has been supported since, you can use loading = "lazy"
to replace lazy = true
If the current browser supports native lazy loading, the native lazy loading will be used first, otherwise will be implemented through scroll.
:::demo Use lazy load by lazy = true
. Image will load until scroll into view when set. You can indicate scroll container that adds scroll listener to by scroll-container
. If undefined, will be the nearest parent container whose overflow property is auto or scroll.
:::demo allow big image preview by setting previewSrcList
prop. You can initialize the position of the first picture previewed by initial-index
. The default initial position is 0.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
src |
image source, same as native. | string |
— |
fit |
indicate how the image should be resized to fit its container, same as object-fit. | 'fill' \| 'contain' \| 'cover' \| 'none' \| 'scale-down' |
— |
hide-on-click-modal |
when enabling preview, use this flag to control whether clicking on backdrop can exit preview mode. | boolean |
false |
loading |
Indicates how the browser should load the image, same as native | 'eager' \| 'lazy' |
— |
lazy |
whether to use lazy load. | boolean |
false |
scroll-container |
the container to add scroll listener when using lazy load. | string \| HTMLElement |
the nearest parent container whose overflow property is auto or scroll. |
alt |
native attribute alt . |
string |
— |
referrer-policy |
native attribute referrerPolicy . |
string |
— |
preview-src-list |
allow big image preview. | string[] |
— |
z-index |
set image preview z-index. | number |
— |
initial-index |
initial preview image index, less than the length of url-list . |
number |
0 |
close-on-press-escape |
whether the image-viewer can be closed by pressing ESC | boolean |
true |
preview-teleported |
whether to append image-viewer to body. A nested parent element attribute transform should have this attribute set to true . |
boolean |
false |
Name | Description | Type |
load |
same as native load. | (e: Event) => void |
error |
same as native error. | (e: Error) => void |
switch |
trigger when switching images. | (index: number) => void |
close |
trigger when clicking on close button or when hide-on-click-modal enabled clicking on backdrop. |
() => void |
Name | Description |
placeholder |
custom placeholder content when image hasn't loaded yet. |
error |
custom image load failed content. |
viewer |
description of the image. |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
url-list |
preview link list. | string[] |
[] |
z-index |
preview backdrop z-index. | number \| string |
— |
initial-index |
the initial preview image index, less than or equal to the length of url-list . |
number |
0 |
infinite |
whether preview is infinite. | boolean |
true |
hide-on-click-modal |
whether user can emit close event when clicking backdrop. | boolean |
false |
teleported |
whether to append image itself to body. A nested parent element attribute transform should have this attribute set to true . |
boolean |
false |
zoom-rate |
the zoom rate of the image viewer zoom event | number |
1.2 |
Name | Description | Type |
close |
trigger when clicking on close button or when hide-on-click-modal enabled clicking on backdrop. |
() => void |
switch |
trigger when switching images. | (index: number) => void |
Method | Description | Parameters |
setActiveItem | manually switch image | index of the image to be switched to, starting from 0 |