9.6 KB

title: Checkbox

lang: en-US


A group of options for multiple choices.

Basic usage

Checkbox can be used alone to switch between two states.

:::demo Define v-model(bind variable) in el-checkbox. The default value is a Boolean for single checkbox, and it becomes true when selected. Content inside the el-checkbox tag will become the description following the button of the checkbox.



Disabled State

Disabled state for checkbox.

:::demo Set the disabled attribute.



Checkbox group

It is used for multiple checkboxes which are bound in one group, and indicates whether one option is selected by checking if it is checked.

:::demo checkbox-group element can manage multiple checkboxes in one group by using v-model which is bound as an Array. Inside the el-checkbox element, label is the value of the checkbox. If no content is nested in that tag, label will be rendered as the description following the button of the checkbox. label also corresponds with the element values in the array. It is selected if the specified value exists in the array, and vice versa.




The indeterminate property can help you to achieve a 'check all' effect.




Minimum / Maximum items checked

The min and max properties can help you to limit the number of checked items.




Button style

Checkbox with button styles.

:::demo You just need to change el-checkbox element into el-checkbox-button element. We also provide size attribute.



With borders

:::demo The border attribute adds a border to Checkboxes.



Checkbox API

Checkbox Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean]
label value of the Checkbox when used inside a checkbox-group ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean] / ^[object]
true-label value of the Checkbox if it's checked ^[string] / ^[number]
false-label value of the Checkbox if it's not checked ^[string] / ^[number]
disabled whether the Checkbox is disabled ^[boolean] false
border whether to add a border around Checkbox ^[boolean] false
size size of the Checkbox ^[enum]'large' \| 'default' \| 'small'
name native 'name' attribute ^[string]
checked if the Checkbox is checked ^[boolean] false
indeterminate Set indeterminate state, only responsible for style control ^[boolean] false
validate-event whether to trigger form validation ^[boolean] true
tabindex input tabindex ^[string] / ^[number]
id input id ^[string]
controls same as aria-controls, takes effect when indeterminate is true ^[boolean]

Checkbox Events

Name Description Type
change triggers when the binding value changes ^[Function](value: string \| number \| boolean) => void

Checkbox Slots

Name Description
default customize default content

CheckboxGroup API

CheckboxGroup Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value ^[object]string[] \| number[] []
size size of checkbox ^[enum]'large' \| 'default' \| 'small'
disabled whether the nesting checkboxes are disabled ^[boolean] false
min minimum number of checkbox checked ^[number]
max maximum number of checkbox checked ^[number]
label label for screen reader ^[string]
text-color font color when button is active ^[string] #ffffff
fill border and background color when button is active ^[string] #409EFF
tag element tag of the checkbox group ^[string] div
validate-event whether to trigger form validation ^[boolean] true

CheckboxGroup Events

Name Description Type
change triggers when the binding value changes ^[Function](value: string[] \| number[]) => void

CheckboxGroup Slots

Name Description Subtags
default customize default content Checkbox / Checkbox-button

CheckboxButton API

CheckboxButton Attributes

Name Description Type Default
label value of the checkbox when used inside a checkbox-group ^[string] / ^[number] / ^[boolean] / ^[object]
true-label value of the checkbox if it's checked ^[string] / ^[number]
false-label value of the checkbox if it's not checked ^[string] / ^[number]
disabled whether the checkbox is disabled ^[boolean] false
name native 'name' attribute ^[string]
checked if the checkbox is checked ^[boolean] false

CheckboxButton Slots

Name Description
default customize default content