8.9 KB

--- title: Autocomplete

lang: en-US


Get some recommended tips based on the current input.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).


Basic Usage

Autocomplete component provides input suggestions.

:::demo The fetch-suggestions attribute is a method that return suggested inputs. In this example, querySearch(queryString, cb) return suggestions to Autocomplete via cb(data) when suggestions are ready.



Custom template

Customize how suggestions are displayed.

:::demo Use scoped slot to customize suggestion items. In the scope, you can access the suggestion object via the item key.



Remote search

Search data from server-side.






Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value ^[string]
placeholder the placeholder of Autocomplete ^[string]
clearable whether to show clear button ^[boolean] false
disabled whether Autocomplete is disabled ^[boolean] false
value-key key name of the input suggestion object for display ^[string] value
debounce debounce delay when typing, in milliseconds ^[number] 300
placement placement of the popup menu ^[enum]'top' \| 'top- start' \| 'top-end' \| 'bottom' \| 'bottom-start' \| 'bottom-end' bottom-start
fetch-suggestions a method to fetch input suggestions. When suggestions are ready, invoke callback(data:[]) to return them to Autocomplete ^[Function](queryString: string, callback: callbackfn) => void
trigger-on-focus whether show suggestions when input focus ^[boolean] true
select-when-unmatched whether to emit a select event on enter when there is no autocomplete match ^[boolean] false
name same as name in native input ^[string]
label label text ^[string]
hide-loading whether to hide the loading icon in remote search ^[boolean] false
popper-class custom class name for autocomplete's dropdown ^[string]
popper-append-to-body whether to append the dropdown to body. If the positioning of the dropdown is wrong, you can try to set this prop to false ^[boolean] false
teleported whether select dropdown is teleported to the body ^[boolean] true
highlight-first-item whether to highlight first item in remote search suggestions by default ^[boolean] false
fit-input-width whether the width of the dropdown is the same as the input ^[boolean] false


Name Description Type
select triggers when a suggestion is clicked ^[Function](item: typeof modelValue \| any) => void
change triggers when the icon inside Input value change ^[Function](value: string \| number) => void


Name Description
default custom content for input suggestions. The scope parameter is { item }
prefix content as Input prefix
suffix content as Input suffix
prepend content to prepend before Input
append content to append after Input


Name Description Type
activated if autocomplete activated ^[object]Ref<boolean>
blur blur the input element ^[Function]() => void
close collapse suggestion list ^[Function]() => void
focus focus the input element ^[Function]() => void
handleSelect triggers when a suggestion is clicked ^[Function](item: any) => promise<void>
handleKeyEnter handle keyboard enter event ^[Function]() => promise<void>
highlightedIndex the index of the currently highlighted item ^[object]Ref<number>
highlight highlight an item in a suggestion ^[Function](itemIndex: number) => void
inputRef el-input component instance ^[object]Ref<ElInputInstance>
loading remote search loading indicator ^[object]Ref<boolean>
popperRef el-tooltip component instance ^[object]Ref<ElTooltipInstance>
suggestions fetch suggestions result ^[object]Ref<record<string, any>>