import { defineComponent, nextTick } from 'vue' import { config, mount, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import * as vueuse from '@vueuse/core' import { usePopperContainer, usePopperContainerId, } from '../use-popper-container' import { ID_INJECTION_KEY } from '../use-id' const AXIOM = 'rem is the best girl' vi.mock('@vueuse/core', () => { return { isClient: true, } }) const mountComponent = () => shallowMount( defineComponent({ setup(_, { expose }) { const exposes = usePopperContainer() expose(exposes) return () =>
}, }) ) describe('usePopperContainer', () => { afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) it('should append container to the DOM root', async () => { const { vm } = mountComponent() await nextTick() const { selector } = vm expect(document.body.querySelector(selector.value)).toBeDefined() }) it('should not append container to the DOM root', async () => { ;(vueuse as any).isClient = false const { vm } = mountComponent() await nextTick() const { selector } = vm expect(document.body.querySelector(selector.value)).toBeNull() }) }) describe('no injection value', () => { afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) it('usePopperContainerId', () => { const wrapper = mount({ setup() { const data = usePopperContainerId() return data }, }) expect(^el-popper-container-\d{0,4}$/) expect(wrapper.vm.selector).toMatch(/^#el-popper-container-\d{0,4}$/) expect(wrapper.vm.selector).toBe(`#${}`) }) }) describe('with injection value', () => { beforeEach(() => { = { [ID_INJECTION_KEY as symbol]: { prefix: 1024, current: 0, }, } }) afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' = {} }) it('usePopperContainerId', () => { const wrapper = mount({ setup() { const data = usePopperContainerId() return data }, }) expect('el-popper-container-1024') expect(wrapper.vm.selector).toBe('#el-popper-container-1024') }) })