import { nextTick, ref } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { describe, expect, test } from 'vitest' import { ElFormItem } from '@element-plus/components/form' import Checkbox from '../src/checkbox.vue' import CheckboxButton from '../src/checkbox-button.vue' import CheckboxGroup from '../src/checkbox-group.vue' import type { CheckboxValueType } from '../src/checkbox' describe('Checkbox', () => { test('create', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('el-checkbox') expect(wrapper.classes()).not.toContain('is-disabled') await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-checked') await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.classes('is-checked')).toBe(false) }) describe('no v-model', () => { test('checkbox without label', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ) expect(wrapper.classes('is-checked')).toBe(false) }) test('checkbox with label attribute', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) expect(wrapper.classes('is-checked')).toBe(false) }) }) describe('disabled', () => { test('checkbox without label', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) const checkbox = wrapper.findComponent(Checkbox) expect(checkbox.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') expect(checked.value).toBe(false) await checkbox.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checkbox.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') expect(checked.value).toBe(false) }) test('checkbox with label attribute', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') expect(checked.value).toBe(false) await wrapper.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') expect(checked.value).toBe(false) }) }) describe('change event', () => { test('checkbox without label', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const data = ref() const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.findComponent(Checkbox).trigger('click') expect(data.value).toBe(true) }) test('checkbox with label attribute', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const data = ref() const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(data.value).toBe(true) }) test('checkbox with label as slot content', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const data = ref() const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount(() => ( Foobar )) await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(data.value).toBe(true) }) test('checkbox is wrapped in label', async () => { const checked = ref(true) const data = ref() const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.findComponent(Checkbox).trigger('click') expect(data.value).toBe(false) }) }) test('checkbox group', async () => { const checkList = ref([]) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(0) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(1) expect(checkList.value).toContain('a') await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'b' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(2) expect(checkList.value).toContain('a') expect(checkList.value).toContain('b') }) test('checkbox group without modelValue', async () => { const checkList = ref([]) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(1) expect(checkList.value).toContain('a') }) test('checkbox group change', async () => { const checkList = ref([]) const data = ref([]) const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType[]) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(data.value.length).toBe(1) expect(data.value).toEqual(['a']) }) test('nested group', async () => { const checkList = ref([]) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(0) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value).toEqual(['a']) }) describe('true false label', () => { test('without label', async () => { const checked = ref('a') const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) const checkbox = wrapper.findComponent(Checkbox) await checkbox.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checked.value).toBe(3) await checkbox.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checked.value).toBe('a') }) test('with label attribute', async () => { const checked = ref('a') const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checked.value).toBe(3) await wrapper.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checked.value).toBe('a') }) test('with label as slot content', async () => { const checked = ref('a') const wrapper = mount(() => ( Foobar )) await wrapper.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checked.value).toBe(3) await wrapper.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(checked.value).toBe('a') }) }) test('check', () => { const checked = ref(false) const checklist = ref([]) mount(() => (
)) expect(checked.value).toBe(true) expect(checklist.value).toEqual(['a']) }) test('label', async () => { const checklist = ref([]) const wrapper = mount(() => ( all a b )) const checkbox = wrapper.find('.el-checkbox') await checkbox.trigger('click') expect(checklist.value[0]).toEqual('') }) test('label is object', async () => { const checklist = ref([]) const wrapper = mount(() => ( all a b )) const checkbox = wrapper.find('.el-checkbox') await checkbox.trigger('click') expect(checklist.value[0]).toEqual({ a: 1 }) expect(checkbox.classes()).contains('is-checked') }) test('label is object with initial values', async () => { const checklist = ref([{ a: 1 }]) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( a1 a2 b1 ) }, }) expect(checklist.value.length).toBe(1) const checkboxA1 = wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a1' }) const checkboxA2 = wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a2' }) await checkboxA2.trigger('click') expect(checklist.value).toEqual([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]) expect(checkboxA1.classes()).contains('is-checked') expect(checkboxA2.classes()).contains('is-checked') await checkboxA1.trigger('click') expect(checklist.value).toEqual([{ a: 2 }]) expect(checkboxA1.classes()).not.contains('is-checked') }) }) describe('check-button', () => { test('create', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('el-checkbox-button') await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-checked') await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.classes('is-checked')).toBe(false) }) test('disabled', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') }) test('change event', async () => { const checked = ref(false) const data = ref() const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(data.value).toBe(true) }) test('button group change', async () => { const checkList = ref([]) const data = ref([]) const onChange = (val: CheckboxValueType[]) => (data.value = val) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(data.value).toEqual(['a']) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'b' }).trigger('click') expect(data.value).toEqual(['a', 'b']) }) test('button group props', () => { const checkList = ref(['a', 'b']) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) const checkbox = wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }) expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(2) expect(checkbox.classes()).contains('is-checked') expect( checkbox.find('.el-checkbox-button__inner').attributes('style') ).contains('border-color: #ff0000;') }) test('button group tag', () => { const checkList = ref(['a', 'b']) const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) expect(wrapper.find('tr').classes('el-checkbox-group')).toBeTruthy() }) test('button group min and max', async () => { const checkList = ref(['a', 'b']) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(2) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(2) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'c' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(3) expect(checkList.value).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']) expect(wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'd' }).vm.isDisabled).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'e' }).vm.isDisabled).toBe(true) checkList.value = [] await nextTick() await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'd' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value).toEqual(['a', 'd']) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value).toEqual(['a', 'd']) expect(wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).vm.isDisabled).toBe(true) }) test('nested group', async () => { const checkList = ref([]) const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) expect(checkList.value.length).toBe(0) await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'a' }).trigger('click') expect(checkList.value).toEqual(['a']) }) describe('checked prop', () => { test('check', () => { const checked = ref(false) const checklist = ref([]) mount(() => (
)) expect(checked.value).toBe(true) expect(checklist.value).toEqual(['a']) }) test('checked', () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ) expect(wrapper.find('.el-checkbox').classes()).contains('is-checked') }) }) describe('form item accessibility integration', () => { test('checkbox, no label, automatic label attachment', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const checkbox = await wrapper.findComponent(Checkbox) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') const checkboxInput = checkbox.find('.el-checkbox__original') expect(checkboxInput.attributes('id')).toBe( formItemLabel.attributes('for') ) }) test('checkbox with label, form item is group', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const checkbox = await wrapper.findComponent(Checkbox) const checkboxLabel = checkbox.find('.el-checkbox__label') const checkboxInput = checkbox.find('.el-checkbox__original') expect(checkboxLabel.element.textContent).toBe('Foo') expect(checkboxInput.attributes('id')).toBeFalsy() expect(formItem.attributes('role')).toBe('group') }) test('single checkbox group in form item', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const checkboxGroup = await wrapper.findComponent(CheckboxGroup) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItem.attributes('role')).toBeFalsy() expect(checkboxGroup.attributes('role')).toBe('group') expect(formItemLabel.attributes('for')).toBe( checkboxGroup.attributes('id') ) expect(formItemLabel.attributes('id')).toBe( checkboxGroup.attributes('aria-labelledby') ) }) test('single checkbox group in form item, override label', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const checkboxGroup = await wrapper.findComponent(CheckboxGroup) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItemLabel.attributes('for')).toBe( checkboxGroup.attributes('id') ) expect(checkboxGroup.attributes('role')).toBe('group') expect(checkboxGroup.attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('Foo') expect(checkboxGroup.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBeFalsy() }) test('multiple checkbox groups in form item', async () => { const wrapper = mount({ setup() { return () => ( ) }, }) const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const checkboxGroup1 = await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'checkboxGroup1', }) const checkboxGroup2 = await wrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'checkboxGroup2', }) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItem.attributes('role')).toBe('group') expect(formItem.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBe( formItemLabel.attributes('id') ) expect(checkboxGroup1.attributes('role')).toBe('group') expect(checkboxGroup1.attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('Foo') expect(checkboxGroup1.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBeFalsy() expect(checkboxGroup2.attributes('role')).toBe('group') expect(checkboxGroup2.attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('Bar') expect(checkboxGroup2.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBeFalsy() }) }) })