import { defineComponent, nextTick, reactive } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { NOOP } from '@vue/shared' import { beforeEach, describe, expect, it, test, vi } from 'vitest' import { usePopperContainerId } from '@element-plus/hooks' import { ElFormItem as FormItem } from '@element-plus/components/form' import Autocomplete from '../src/autocomplete.vue' vi.unmock('lodash') vi.useFakeTimers() const _mount = ( payload = {}, type: 'fn-cb' | 'fn-promise' | 'fn-arr' | 'fn-async' | 'arr' = 'fn-cb' ) => mount( defineComponent({ setup(_, { expose }) { const state = reactive({ value: '', list: [ { value: 'Java', tag: 'java' }, { value: 'Go', tag: 'go' }, { value: 'JavaScript', tag: 'javascript' }, { value: 'Python', tag: 'python' }, ], payload, }) function filterList(queryString: string) { return queryString ? state.list.filter( (i) => i.value.indexOf(queryString.toLowerCase()) === 0 ) : state.list } const querySearch = (() => { switch (type) { case 'fn-cb': return ( queryString: string, cb: (arg: typeof state.list) => void ) => { cb(filterList(queryString)) } case 'fn-promise': return (queryString: string) => Promise.resolve(filterList(queryString)) case 'fn-async': return async (queryString: string) => { await Promise.resolve() return filterList(queryString) } case 'fn-arr': return (queryString: string) => filterList(queryString) case 'arr': return state.list } })() const containerExposes = usePopperContainerId() expose(containerExposes) return () => ( ) }, }), { global: { provide: { namespace: 'el', }, }, } ) describe('Autocomplete.vue', () => { beforeEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) test('placeholder', async () => { const wrapper = _mount() await nextTick() await wrapper.setProps({ placeholder: 'autocomplete' }) expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes('placeholder')).toBe('autocomplete') await wrapper.setProps({ placeholder: 'placeholder' }) expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes('placeholder')).toBe('placeholder') }) test('triggerOnFocus', async () => { const fetchSuggestions = vi.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ debounce: 10, fetchSuggestions, }) await nextTick() await wrapper.setProps({ triggerOnFocus: false }) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(fetchSuggestions).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('blur') await wrapper.setProps({ triggerOnFocus: true }) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(fetchSuggestions).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('popperClass', async () => { const wrapper = _mount() await nextTick() await wrapper.setProps({ popperClass: 'error' }) expect( document.body.querySelector('.el-popper')?.classList.contains('error') ).toBe(true) await wrapper.setProps({ popperClass: 'success' }) expect( document.body.querySelector('.el-popper')?.classList.contains('error') ).toBe(false) expect( document.body.querySelector('.el-popper')?.classList.contains('success') ).toBe(true) }) test('teleported', async () => { _mount({ teleported: false }) expect(document.body.querySelector('.el-popper__mask')).toBeNull() }) test('debounce / fetchSuggestions', async () => { const fetchSuggestions = vi.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ debounce: 10, fetchSuggestions, }) await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') await wrapper.find('input').trigger('blur') await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') await wrapper.find('input').trigger('blur') await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') await wrapper.find('input').trigger('blur') expect(fetchSuggestions).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(fetchSuggestions).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(fetchSuggestions).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) test('fetchSuggestions with fn-promise', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ debounce: 10 }, 'fn-promise') await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > expect(target.suggestions.length).toBe(4) }) test('fetchSuggestions with fn-async', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ debounce: 10 }, 'fn-async') await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > expect(target.suggestions.length).toBe(4) }) test('fetchSuggestions with fn-arr', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ debounce: 10 }, 'fn-arr') await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > expect(target.suggestions.length).toBe(4) }) test('fetchSuggestions with arr', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ debounce: 10 }, 'arr') await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > expect(target.suggestions.length).toBe(4) }) test('valueKey / modelValue', async () => { const wrapper = _mount() await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > await target.handleSelect({ value: 'Go', tag: 'go' }) expect(target.modelValue).toBe('Go') await wrapper.setProps({ valueKey: 'tag' }) await target.handleSelect({ value: 'Go', tag: 'go' }) expect(target.modelValue).toBe('go') }) test('hideLoading', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ hideLoading: false, fetchSuggestions: NOOP, debounce: 10, }) await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(document.body.querySelector('.el-icon-loading')).toBeDefined() await wrapper.setProps({ hideLoading: true }) expect(document.body.querySelector('.el-icon-loading')).toBeNull() }) test('selectWhenUnmatched', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ selectWhenUnmatched: true, debounce: 10, }) await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > target.highlightedIndex = 0 target.handleKeyEnter() vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(target.highlightedIndex).toBe(-1) }) test('highlightFirstItem', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ highlightFirstItem: false, debounce: 10, }) await nextTick() await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(document.body.querySelector('.highlighted')).toBeNull() await wrapper.setProps({ highlightFirstItem: true }) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(document.body.querySelector('.highlighted')).toBeDefined() }) test('fitInputWidth', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ fitInputWidth: true, }) await nextTick() const inputDom = wrapper.find('.el-input').element const mockInputWidth = vi .spyOn(inputDom as HTMLElement, 'offsetWidth', 'get') .mockReturnValue(200) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() await nextTick() await nextTick() expect( ( document.body.querySelector( '.el-autocomplete-suggestion' ) as HTMLElement ).style.width ).toBe('200px') mockInputWidth.mockRestore() }) describe('teleported API', () => { it('should mount on popper container', async () => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toBe('') const { vm } = _mount() await nextTick() const { selector } = vm expect(document.body.querySelector(selector)?.innerHTML).not.toBe('') }) it('should not mount on the popper container', async () => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toBe('') const { vm } = _mount({ teleported: false, }) await nextTick() const { selector } = vm expect(document.body.querySelector(selector)?.innerHTML).toBe('') }) }) describe('form item accessibility integration', () => { test('automatic id attachment', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await nextTick() const formItem = wrapper.find('[data-test-ref="item"]') const input = await wrapper.find('[data-test-ref="input"]') const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItem.attributes().role).toBeFalsy() expect(formItemLabel.attributes().for).toBe(input.attributes().id) }) test('specified id attachment', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await nextTick() const formItem = wrapper.find('[data-test-ref="item"]') const input = await wrapper.find('[data-test-ref="input"]') const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItem.attributes().role).toBeFalsy() expect(input.attributes().id).toBe('foobar') expect(formItemLabel.attributes().for).toBe(input.attributes().id) }) test('form item role is group when multiple autocompletes', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await nextTick() const formItem = wrapper.find('[data-test-ref="item"]') expect(formItem.attributes().role).toBe('group') }) }) test('event:focus', async () => { const onFocus = vi.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ onFocus }) await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(onFocus).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) await target.handleSelect({ value: 'Go', tag: 'go' }) expect(target.modelValue).toBe('Go') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(onFocus).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('blur') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(onFocus).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('event:blur', async () => { const onBlur = vi.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ onBlur }) await nextTick() const target = wrapper.getComponent(Autocomplete).vm as InstanceType< typeof Autocomplete > await wrapper.find('input').trigger('focus') await target.handleSelect({ value: 'Go', tag: 'go' }) expect(target.modelValue).toBe('Go') expect(onBlur).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) await wrapper.find('input').trigger('blur') vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(onBlur).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) })