--- title: TreeSelect lang: en-US --- # TreeSelect The tree selector of the dropdown menu, it combines the functions of components `el-tree` and `el-select`. :::tip This component requires the `` wrap when used in SSR (eg: [Nuxt](https://nuxt.com/v3)) and SSG (eg: [VitePress](https://vitepress.vuejs.org/)). ::: ## Basic usage Selector for tree structures. :::demo tree-select/basic ::: ## Select any level When using the `check-strictly=true` attribute, any node can be checked, otherwise only leaf nodes are supported. :::demo tree-select/check-strictly ::: :::tip When using `show-checkbox`, since `check-on-click-node` is false by default, it can only be selected by checking, you can set it to true, and then click the node to select. ::: ## Multiple Selection Multiple selection using clicks or checkbox. :::demo tree-select/multiple ::: ## Disabled Selection Disable options using the disabled field. :::demo tree-select/disabled ::: ## Filterable Use keyword filtering or custom filtering methods. `filterMethod` can custom filter method for data, `filterNodeMethod` can custom filter method for data node. :::demo tree-select/filterable ::: ## Custom content Contents of custom tree nodes. :::demo tree-select/slots ::: ## LazyLoad Lazy loading of tree nodes, suitable for large data lists. :::demo tree-select/lazy ::: ## Attributes Since this component combines the functions of components `el-tree` and `el-select`, the original properties have not been changed, so no repetition here, and please go to the original component to view the documentation. | Attributes | Methods | Events | Slots | | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | [tree](./tree.md#attributes) | [tree](./tree.md#method) | [tree](./tree.md#events) | [tree](./tree.md#slots) | | [select](./select.md#select-attributes) | [select](./select.md#methods) | [select](./select.md#select-events) | [select](./select.md#select-slots) | ### Own Attributes | Name | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default | | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- | --------------- | ------- | | cacheData **(\> 2.2.26)** | The cached data of the lazy node, the structure is the same as the data, used to get the label of the unloaded data | array | — | — |