--- title: Empty lang: en-US --- # Empty Placeholder hints for empty states. ## Basic usage :::demo empty/basic-usage ::: ## Custom image Use `image` prop to set image URL. :::demo empty/custom-image ::: ## Image size Use `image-size` prop to control image size. :::demo empty/image-size ::: ## Bottom content Use the default slot to insert content at the bottom. :::demo empty/bottom-content ::: ## Custom styles Now you can set custom style for empty component. Use `css/scss` language to change the global or local color. We set some global color variables: `--el-empty-fill-color-0`, `--el-empty-fill-color-1`, `--el-empty-fill-color-2`, ......, `--el-empty-fill-color-9`. You can use like: `:root { --el-empty-fill-color-0: red; --el-empty-fill-color-1: blue; }`. But usually, if you want to change style, you need to change all color, because these colors are a combination. ### Default Variables | Variable | Color | | ----------------------- | --------------------- | | --el-empty-fill-color-0 | var(--el-color-white) | | --el-empty-fill-color-1 | #fcfcfd | | --el-empty-fill-color-2 | #f8f9fb | | --el-empty-fill-color-3 | #f7f8fc | | --el-empty-fill-color-4 | #eeeff3 | | --el-empty-fill-color-5 | #edeef2 | | --el-empty-fill-color-6 | #e9ebef | | --el-empty-fill-color-7 | #e5e7e9 | | --el-empty-fill-color-8 | #e0e3e9 | | --el-empty-fill-color-9 | #d5d7de | ## Empty Attributes | Name | Description | Type | Acceptable Value | Default | | ----------- | ------------------ | ------ | ---------------- | ------- | | image | image URL | string | — | — | | image-size | image size (width) | number | — | — | | description | description | string | — | — | ## Empty Slots | Name | Description | | ----------- | --------------------- | | default | Custom bottom content | | image | Custom image | | description | Custom description |