--- title: Divider lang: en-US --- # Divider The dividing line that separates the content. ## Basic usage Divide the text of different paragraphs. :::demo divider/basic-usage ::: ## Custom content You can customize the content on the divider line. :::demo divider/custom-content ::: ## dashed line You can set the style of divider. :::demo divider/line-dashed ::: ## Vertical divider :::demo divider/vertical-divider ::: ## API ### Attributes | Name | Description | Type | Default | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | | direction | Set divider's direction | ^[enum]`'horizontal' \| 'vertical'` | horizontal | | border-style | Set the style of divider | ^[enum]`'none' \| 'solid' \| 'hidden' \| 'dashed' \| ...` [css/border-style](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/CSS/border-style) | solid | | content-position | the position of the customized content on the divider line | ^[enum]`'left' \| 'right' \| 'center' ` | center | ### Slots | Name | Description | | ------- | -------------------------------------- | | default | customized content on the divider line |