title: Button
lang: en-US
# Button
Commonly used button.
## Basic usage
:::demo Use `type`, `plain`, `round` and `circle` to define Button's style.
## Disabled Button
The `disabled` attribute determines if the button is disabled.
:::demo Use `disabled` attribute to determine whether a button is disabled. It accepts a `Boolean` value.
## Link Button
`type="text"` has been **deprecated**, and **will be** removed in, consider switching to new API.
New API `link` has been added in, you can use `type` API to set the theme of your link button
## Text Button
Text button has been upgraded with a new design since 2.2.0 , if you want to use the
previous version like button, you might want to check [Link](./link.md#basic) out.
The API is also updated, because the `type` attribute also represents the button's style. So we have to make a new API
`text: boolean` for text button.
Buttons without border and background.
## Icon Button
Use icons to add more meaning to Button. You can use icon alone to save some space, or use it with text.
:::demo Use the `icon` attribute to add icon. You can find the icon list in Element Plus icon component. Adding icons to the right side of the text is achievable with an `` tag. Custom icons can be used as well.
## Button Group
Displayed as a button group, can be used to group a series of similar operations.
:::demo Use tag `` to group your buttons.
## Loading Button
Click the button to load data, then the button displays a loading state.
Set `loading` attribute to `true` to display loading state.
You can use the `loading` slot or `loadingIcon` to customize your loading component
ps: `loading` slot has higher priority than loadingIcon
## Sizes
Besides default size, Button component provides three additional sizes for you to choose among different scenarios.
:::demo Use attribute `size` to set additional sizes with `large`, `small`.
## Custom Color
You can custom button color.
We will calculate hover color & active color automatically.
## Button API
### Button Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default |
| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| size | button size | ^[enum]`'large'\| 'default'\| 'small'` | — |
| type | button type | ^[enum]`'primary'\| 'success'\| 'warning'\| 'danger'\| 'info'\| 'text'(delete)` | — |
| plain | determine whether it's a plain button | ^[boolean] | false |
| text | determine whether it's a text button | ^[boolean] | false |
| bg | determine whether the text button background color is always on | ^[boolean] | false |
| link | determine whether it's a link button | ^[boolean] | false |
| round | determine whether it's a round button | ^[boolean] | false |
| circle | determine whether it's a circle button | ^[boolean] | false |
| loading | determine whether it's loading | ^[boolean] | false |
| loading-icon | customize loading icon component | ^[string] / ^[Component] | Loading |
| disabled | disable the button | ^[boolean] | false |
| icon | icon component | ^[string] / ^[Component] | — |
| autofocus | same as native button's `autofocus` | ^[boolean] | false |
| native-type | same as native button's `type` | ^[enum]`'button'\| 'submit'\| 'reset'` | button |
| auto-insert-space | automatically insert a space between two chinese characters | ^[boolean] | — |
| color | custom button color, automatically calculate `hover` and `active` color | ^[string] | — |
| dark | dark mode, which automatically converts `color` to dark mode colors | ^[boolean] | false |
### Button Slots
| Name | Description |
| ------- | --------------------------- |
| default | customize default content |
| loading | customize loading component |
| icon | customize icon component |
### Button Exposes
| Name | Description | Type |
| -------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ref | button html element | ^[object]`Ref` |
| size | button size | ^[object]`ComputedRef<'' \| 'small' \| 'default' \| 'large'>` |
| type | button type | ^[object]`ComputedRef<'' \| 'default' \| 'primary' \| 'success' \| 'warning' \| 'info' \| 'danger' \| 'text'>` |
| disabled | button disabled | ^[object]`ComputedRef` |
| shouldAddSpace | whether adding space | ^[object]`ComputedRef` |
## ButtonGroup API
### ButtonGroup Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| size | control the size of buttons in this button-group | ^[enum]`'large'\| 'default'\| 'small'` | — |
| type | control the type of buttons in this button-group | ^[enum]`'primary'\| 'success'\| 'warning'\| 'danger'\| 'info'` | — |
### ButtonGroup Slots
| Name | Description | Subtags |
| ------- | ------------------------------ | ------- |
| default | customize button group content | Button |