--- title: Alert lang: en-US --- # Alert Displays important alert messages. ## Basic Usage Alert components are non-overlay elements in the page that does not disappear automatically. :::demo Alert provides 4 types of themes defined by `type`, whose default value is `info`. alert/basic ::: ## Theme Alert provide two different themes, `light` and `dark`. :::demo Set `effect` to change theme, default is `light`. alert/theme ::: ## Customizable Close Button Customize the close button as texts or other symbols. :::demo Alert allows you to configure if it's closable. The close button text and closing callbacks are also customizable. `closable` attribute decides if the component can be closed or not. It accepts `boolean`, and the default is `true`. You can set `close-text` attribute to replace the default cross symbol as the close button. Be careful that `close-text` must be a string. `close` event fires when the component is closed. alert/close-button ::: ## With Icon Displaying an icon improves readability. :::demo Setting the `show-icon` attribute displays an icon that corresponds with the current Alert type. alert/icon ::: ## Centered Text Use the `center` attribute to center the text. :::demo alert/center ::: ## With Description Description includes a message with more detailed information. :::demo Besides the required `title` attribute, you can add a `description` attribute to help you describe the alert with more details. Description can only store text string, and it will word wrap automatically. alert/description ::: ## With Icon and Description :::demo At last, this is an example with both icon and description. alert/icon-description ::: ## Alert API ### Attributes | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------- | | title | alert title. | ^[string] | — | No | | type | alert type. | ^[enum]`'success' \| 'warning' \| 'info' \| 'error' ` | `info` | No | | description | descriptive text. | ^[string] | — | No | | closable | whether alert can be dismissed. | ^[boolean] | `true` | No | | center | whether content is placed in the center. | ^[boolean] | `false` | No | | close-text | customized close button text. | ^[string] | — | No | | show-icon | whether a type icon is displayed. | ^[boolean] | `false` | No | | effect | theme style. | ^[enum]`'light' \| 'dark'` | `'light'` | No | ### Events | Name | Description | Type | | ----- | ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | close | trigger when alert is closed. | ^[Function]`(event: MouseEvent) => void` | ### Slots | Name | Description | | ------- | --------------------------------- | | default | content of the alert description. | | title | content of the alert title. |