myReport.vue 8.2 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <view>
  3. <!-- 头部-->
  4. <cu-custom bgColor="bg-blue" :isBack="true">
  5. <block slot="backText">我的填报</block>
  6. <block slot="content"></block>
  7. <block slot="right">
  8. <view class=" flex justify-center" >
  9. <button class="margin-top-ssm cu-btn round line-blue bg-blue"><text class="cuIcon-add"></text>新建任务</button>
  10. </view>
  11. </block>
  12. </cu-custom>
  13. <!-- 切换卡-->
  14. <view class="nav_b solid-bottom">
  15. <view style="height:90rpx ;"></view>
  16. <view class="nav_b_1">
  17. <view :class="index==TabCur?'nav_one':'nav_1'" v-for="(item,index) in menuList" :key="index" @tap="tabSelect" :data-id="index">
  18. {{item}}
  19. <view :class="index==TabCur?'nav_zwf':''"></view>
  20. </view>
  21. </view>
  22. </view>
  23. <!-- 内容 -->
  24. <scroll-view scroll-y="true">
  25. <!-- 已上报 -->
  26. <view v-if="TabCur==0">
  27. <view class="list_b">
  28. <view v-for="item in data" :key="" class="list_1">
  29. <view class="list_tex">
  30. <!-- <image src="../../static/task/noTask.png"></image> -->
  31. <view class="list_right">
  32. <view class="list_right_2" style="color:#101010;margin-bottom: 20rpx;">
  33. {{item.title}}
  34. </view>
  35. <view class="list_right_1">
  36. {{item.nodePath}}
  37. </view>
  38. </view>
  39. </view>
  40. <view class="list_tex2">
  41. <text class="list_time">{{ item.reportDate}}</text>
  42. <!-- <text class="list_time">{{ item.report_date}}</text> -->
  43. <view class="list_button">
  44. <button class="list_button_1" @click="preview(item)">预览</button>
  45. <button class="list_button_2 " @click="navTo(item)">编辑</button>
  46. </view>
  47. </view>
  48. </view>
  49. </view>
  50. </view>
  51. <!-- 未上报 -->
  52. <view v-if="TabCur==1">
  53. <view class="list_b">
  54. <view class="list_1" v-for="item in data" :key="">
  55. <view class="list_tex">
  56. <!-- <image src="../../static/task/noTask.png"></image> -->
  57. <view class="list_right">
  58. <view class="list_right_2" style="color:#101010;margin-bottom: 20rpx; ">
  59. {{item.title}}
  60. </view>
  61. <view class="list_right_1">
  62. {{item.nodePath}}
  63. </view>
  64. </view>
  65. </view>
  66. <view class="list_tex2">
  67. <text class="list_time">{{ item.createTime | timeStamp }}</text>
  68. <view class="list_button">
  69. <button class="list_button_0" @click="modelShow(item)">删除</button>
  70. <button class="list_button_1" @click="preview(item)">预览</button>
  71. <button class="list_button_2" @click="navTo(item)">编辑</button>
  72. </view>
  73. </view>
  74. </view>
  75. </view>
  76. </view>
  77. <view v-if="data.length>0 && show" class="list_no">没有更多内容了~</view>
  78. <view v-if="data.length==0 && show" class="list_no">暂时没有填报内容~</view>
  79. </scroll-view>
  80. <view class="cu-modal" :class="modalName==true?'shows':''" style="z-index: 9999999999;">
  81. <view class="cu-dialog bg-white">
  82. <view class="padding-xl" style="color: black !important;">
  83. 您确定要删除当前资料吗?
  84. </view>
  85. <view class="cu-bar bg-white justify-end solid-top">
  86. <view class="action">
  87. <view style="color: black !important;" class=" text-sm margin-right" @click="modalName=false">取消</view>
  88. <view class="text-blue text-sm margin-left" @click="deleteData()" >确定删除</view>
  89. </view>
  90. </view>
  91. </view>
  92. </view>
  93. </view>
  94. </template>
  95. <script>
  96. export default {
  97. data() {
  98. return {
  99. TabCur:0,
  100. scrollLeft: 0,
  101. menuList:['已上报','未上报'],
  102. data:[],
  103. show:false,
  104. modalName:false,
  105. delData:[]
  106. }
  107. },
  108. onLoad() {
  109. this.findFormInstance(this.TabCur);
  110. },
  111. methods: {
  112. tabSelect(e) {
  114. this.TabCur =;
  115. this.scrollLeft = ( - 1) * 60;
  117. this.findFormInstance(this.TabCur);
  118. },
  119. navTo(data){
  120. //console.log(data)
  121. uni.navigateTo({
  122. url:"/pages/personBaseIndex/personBaseIndex?id="+data.processId
  123. })
  124. },
  125. findFormInstance(type){
  126. var that =this;
  127. if(type==1){
  128. type=0
  129. }else{
  130. type=1
  131. }
  132. var userId = uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id;
  133. that.http.request("/app/myReport",{userId:userId,type:type}).then((res)=>{
  134. //返回来的数据和tab状态匹配才赋值
  135. if(that.TabCur != res.datas[0].isReport){
  136. = res.datas;
  138. }
  139. //console.log(
  140. })
  141. },
  142. modelShow(data){
  143. this.modalName=true;
  144. this.delData = data;
  145. },
  146. deleteData(){
  147. var that =this;
  148. var userId = uni.getStorageSync("userInfo").id;
  149. that.http.request("/app/deleteInstance",{userId:userId,}).then((res)=>{
  150. if(res.result=="1"){
  151. that.$prompt.none("删除成功");
  152. setTimeout(function(){
  153. that.findFormInstance(that.TabCur);
  154. },1000)
  155. }
  156. });
  157. that.modalName=false;
  158. },
  159. preview(data){
  160. var that =this;
  161. that.http.request("/app/showOutView",{processId:data.processId}).then((res)=>{
  162. if(res.result=="1"){
  163. //console.log(
  164. if(res.datas.length <1){
  165. that.$prompt.none("无法生成预览");
  166. return
  167. }
  168. var encode=encodeURIComponent(;
  169. uni.navigateTo({
  170. url:"/pages/view/preview/preview?preview="+ encode
  171. })
  172. }
  173. });
  174. // uni.navigateTo({
  175. // url:"/pages/view/preview/preview?processId="+data.formDataId
  176. // })
  177. }
  178. },
  179. filters: {
  180. timeStamp: function(value) {
  181. if (!value) return '';
  182. var now = new Date(value);
  183. var year = now.getFullYear();
  184. var month = now.getMonth() + 1;
  185. var hour = now.getHours() >=10 ? now.getHours() : "0"+now.getHours() ;
  186. var minutes = now.getMinutes() >=10 ? now.getMinutes() : "0"+now.getMinutes();
  187. var time = hour+":"+minutes;
  188. if (month < 10) {
  189. month = '0' + month
  190. }
  191. var date = now.getDate();
  192. if (date < 10) {
  193. date = '0' + date
  194. }
  195. return year + "-" + month + "-" + date+" "+time
  196. },
  197. }
  198. }
  199. </script>
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