Browse Source


duy 3 months ago
1 changed files with 137 additions and 85 deletions
  1. 137 85

+ 137 - 85

@@ -2,25 +2,56 @@
     <hc-card-item class="hc-test-sample-card-item">
         <template #header>
             <div class="w-200px">
-                <el-select v-model="searchForm.contractId" placeholder="选择合同段" filterable block>
-                    <el-option v-for="item in contractData" :key="" :label="item.contractName" :value="" />
+                <el-select
+                    v-model="searchForm.contractId"
+                    placeholder="选择合同段"
+                    filterable
+                    block
+                >
+                    <el-option
+                        v-for="item in contractData"
+                        :key=""
+                        :label="item.contractName"
+                        :value=""
+                    />
             <div class="ml-2 w-250px">
-                <hc-date-picker :dates="betweenTime" clearable @change="betweenTimeUpdate" />
+                <hc-date-picker
+                    :dates="betweenTime"
+                    clearable
+                    @change="betweenTimeUpdate"
+                />
             <div class="ml-2 w-250px">
-                <hc-search-input v-model="searchForm.materialName" @search="searchClick" />
+                <hc-search-input
+                    v-model="searchForm.materialName"
+                    @search="searchClick"
+                />
         <template #extra>
-            <el-tooltip content="注:此功能用以扫描设备故障时使用,谨慎点击" placement="top">
-                <el-button type="primary" :disabled="tableCheckedKeys.length <= 0" @click="manualStorageClick">手动入库</el-button>
+            <el-tooltip
+                content="注:此功能用以扫描设备故障时使用,谨慎点击"
+                placement="top"
+            >
+                <el-button
+                    type="primary"
+                    :disabled="tableCheckedKeys.length <= 0"
+                    @click="manualStorageClick"
+                    :loading="manualStorageLoading"
+                    >手动入库</el-button
+                >
-            :column="tableColumn" :datas="tableData" :loading="tableLoading" :index-style="{ width: 60 }"
-            is-check :check-style="{ width: 29 }" @selection-change="tableSelection"
+            :column="tableColumn"
+            :datas="tableData"
+            :loading="tableLoading"
+            :index-style="{ width: 60 }"
+            is-check
+            :check-style="{ width: 29 }"
+            @selection-change="tableSelection"
         <template #action>
             <hc-pages :pages="searchForm" @change="pageChange" />
@@ -29,11 +60,11 @@
 <script setup>
-import { onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue'
-import { useAppStore } from '~src/store'
-import { getErtractInfo } from '~api/other'
-import { arrToId, getArrValue, getObjValue, isNullES } from 'js-fast-way'
-import mainApi from '~api/tentative/material/testSample'
+import { onMounted, ref, watch } from "vue";
+import { useAppStore } from "~src/store";
+import { getErtractInfo } from "~api/other";
+import { arrToId, getArrValue, getObjValue, isNullES } from "js-fast-way";
+import mainApi from "~api/tentative/material/testSample";
 const props = defineProps({
@@ -41,131 +72,152 @@ const props = defineProps({
         type: Object,
         default: () => ({}),
-const store = useAppStore()
-const projectId = ref(store.getProjectId)
-const contractId = ref(store.getContractId)
+const store = useAppStore();
+const projectId = ref(store.getProjectId);
+const contractId = ref(store.getContractId);
 onMounted(() => {
-    getContractData()
+    getContractData();
-const treeInfo = ref(props.tree)
-watch(() => props.tree, (obj) => {
-    treeInfo.value = getObjValue(obj)
-    searchClick()
+const treeInfo = ref(props.tree);
+    () => props.tree,
+    (obj) => {
+        treeInfo.value = getObjValue(obj);
+        searchClick();
+    }
 const searchForm = ref({
-    status: 1, startTime: null, endTime: null, materialName: null,
-    current: 1, size: 20, total: 0,
+    status: 1,
+    startTime: null,
+    endTime: null,
+    materialName: null,
+    current: 1,
+    size: 20,
+    total: 0,
-const contractData = ref([])
+const contractData = ref([]);
 const getContractData = async () => {
     const { data } = await getErtractInfo({
         projectId: projectId.value,
         contractId: contractId.value,
-    })
-    const res = getArrValue(data)
-    contractData.value = res
-    if (res.length <= 0) return
-    let cid
+    });
+    const res = getArrValue(data);
+    contractData.value = res;
+    if (res.length <= 0) return;
+    let cid;
     for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
         if (contractId.value == res[i].id) {
-            cid = res[i].id
+            cid = res[i].id;
-    searchForm.value.contractId = isNullES(cid) ? res[0].id : cid
-    searchClick()
+    searchForm.value.contractId = isNullES(cid) ? res[0].id : cid;
+    searchClick();
-const betweenTime = ref(null)
+const betweenTime = ref(null);
 const betweenTimeUpdate = ({ arr }) => {
-    betweenTime.value = arr
+    betweenTime.value = arr;
     if (arr.length > 0) {
-        searchForm.value.startTime = arr[0]
-        searchForm.value.endTime = arr[1]
+        searchForm.value.startTime = arr[0];
+        searchForm.value.endTime = arr[1];
     } else {
-        searchForm.value.startTime = null
-        searchForm.value.endTime = null
+        searchForm.value.startTime = null;
+        searchForm.value.endTime = null;
 const searchClick = () => {
-    searchForm.value.current = 1
-    getTableData()
+    searchForm.value.current = 1;
+    getTableData();
 const pageChange = ({ current, size }) => {
-    searchForm.value.current = current
-    searchForm.value.size = size
-    getTableData()
+    searchForm.value.current = current;
+    searchForm.value.size = size;
+    getTableData();
 const tableColumn = ref([
-    { key: 'materialName', name: '样品名称' },
-    { key: 'specificationModel', name: '规格型号', align: 'center' },
-    { key: 'materialCount', name: '试样数量', align: 'center' },
-    { key: 'calculationUnit', name: '试样单位', align: 'center' },
-    { key: 'proposedPosition', name: '拟用部位' },
-    { key: 'representativeCount', name: '代表数量', align: 'center' },
-    { key: 'representativeUnit', name: '代表单位' },
-    { key: 'userName', name: '取样人', align: 'center' },
-    { key: 'entrustTime', name: '委托单上报时间', align: 'center' },
-const tableData = ref([])
+    { key: "materialName", name: "样品名称" },
+    { key: "specificationModel", name: "规格型号", align: "center" },
+    { key: "materialCount", name: "试样数量", align: "center" },
+    { key: "calculationUnit", name: "试样单位", align: "center" },
+    { key: "proposedPosition", name: "拟用部位" },
+    { key: "representativeCount", name: "代表数量", align: "center" },
+    { key: "representativeUnit", name: "代表单位" },
+    { key: "userName", name: "取样人", align: "center" },
+    { key: "entrustTime", name: "委托单上报时间", align: "center" },
+const tableData = ref([]);
-const tableLoading = ref(false)
+const tableLoading = ref(false);
 const getTableData = async () => {
-    const { primaryKeyId } = treeInfo.value
-    if (isNullES(primaryKeyId)) return
-    tableLoading.value = true
+    const { primaryKeyId } = treeInfo.value;
+    if (isNullES(primaryKeyId)) return;
+    tableLoading.value = true;
     const { error, code, data } = await mainApi.queryPage({
         projectId: projectId.value,
-        nodeId: primaryKeyId || '',
-    })
+        nodeId: primaryKeyId || "",
+    });
-    tableLoading.value = false
+    tableLoading.value = false;
     if (!error && code === 200) {
-        tableData.value = getArrValue(data?.records)
- = || 0
+        tableData.value = getArrValue(data?.records);
+ = || 0;
     } else {
-        tableData.value = []
- = 0
+        tableData.value = [];
+ = 0;
-const tableCheckedKeys = ref([])
+const tableCheckedKeys = ref([]);
 const tableSelection = (rows) => {
-    tableCheckedKeys.value = rows
+    tableCheckedKeys.value = rows;
+const manualStorageLoading = ref(false);
 const manualStorageClick = async () => {
-    const rows = tableCheckedKeys.value
+    const rows = tableCheckedKeys.value;
     const result = rows.every(({ rfId }) => {
-        return !isNullES(rfId)
-    })
+        return !isNullES(rfId);
+    });
     if (!result) {
-        window.$message?.warning('存在材料未使用RFID,无法手动入库')
-        return
+        window.$message?.warning("存在材料未使用RFID,无法手动入库");
+        return;
+    }
+    const ids = arrToId(rows);
+    manualStorageLoading.value = true;
+    const { error, code, msg } = await mainApi.update({
+        id: ids,
+        sampleStatus: 2,
+    });
+    manualStorageLoading.value = false;
+    if (!error && code === 200) {
+        window.$message.success(msg);
+        getTableData().then();
+    } else {
+        window.$message.error(msg || "操作失败");
-    const ids = arrToId(rows)
-    console.log(ids)