iZaiZaiA 2 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 493 deletions
  1. 0 493

+ 0 - 493

@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-    <n-divider dashed title-placement="left">测站点</n-divider>
-    <div class="hc-layout-box">
-        <n-card class="hc-card-overflow-p-box" :segmented="{content: true}">
-            <template #header>
-                <div class="hc-card-header flex items-center">
-                    <div class="w-60">
-                        <n-input v-model:value="searchForm.name" type="text" placeholder="请输入测站点或关键字进行搜索" clearable/>
-                    </div>
-                    <n-button type="primary" class="px-5 ml-3" @click="searchChange">搜索</n-button>
-                    <n-popover trigger="hover" :disabled="!bubbleVal || !btn_add?.textInfo" v-if="btn_add">
-                        <template #trigger>
-                            <n-button type="primary" strong secondary class="px-5 ml-10" @click="AddRowClick">新增</n-button>
-                        </template>
-                        <span>{{btn_add?.textInfo}}</span>
-                    </n-popover>
-                    <n-popover trigger="hover" :disabled="!bubbleVal || !btn_import?.textInfo" v-if="btn_import">
-                        <template #trigger>
-                            <n-button type="primary" strong secondary class="px-5 ml-3" @click="importModalClick">导入</n-button>
-                        </template>
-                        <span>{{btn_import?.textInfo}}</span>
-                    </n-popover>
-                    <n-popover trigger="hover" :disabled="!bubbleVal || !btn_export?.textInfo" v-if="btn_export">
-                        <template #trigger>
-                            <n-button type="primary" strong secondary class="px-5 ml-3" @click="exportModalClick">导出</n-button>
-                        </template>
-                        <span>{{btn_export?.textInfo}}</span>
-                    </n-popover>
-                </div>
-            </template>
-            <template #header-extra>
-                <HcTabs :datas="tabsTypeData" :keys="tabsTypeKey" @change="tabsTypeChange"/>
-            </template>
-            <div v-if="tabsTypeKey==='1'">
-                <n-data-table :columns="traverseColumns" :data="traverseTable" :pagination="false" :row-key="row => row.name" :single-line="false" striped/>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="tabsTypeKey==='0'">
-                <n-data-table :columns="levelColumns" :data="levelTable" :pagination="false" :row-key="row => row.name" :single-line="false" striped/>
-            </div>
-            <template #action>
-                <HcPage :pages="searchForm" @change="pageChange"/>
-            </template>
-        </n-card>
-    </div>
-    <!--新增/编辑 弹框-->
-    <n-modal v-model:show="showRowModal">
-        <n-card class="w-750" :title="rowModalTitle()" :segmented="{content: true}">
-            <n-form ref="formRowRef" :model="formRowValue" :rules="rulesRow" label-placement="left" label-width="auto" size="large">
-                <n-form-item label="点名称" path="name">
-                    <n-input class="flex-1" v-model:value="formRowValue.name" placeholder="请输入点名称"/>
-                </n-form-item>
-                <n-form-item label="X坐标(m)" path="x" v-if="tabsTypeKey === '1'">
-                    <n-input class="flex-1" v-model:value="formRowValue.x" placeholder="请输入X坐标(m)"/>
-                </n-form-item>
-                <n-form-item label="Y坐标(m)" path="y" v-if="tabsTypeKey === '1'">
-                    <n-input class="flex-1" v-model:value="formRowValue.y" placeholder="请输入Y坐标(m)"/>
-                </n-form-item>
-                <n-form-item label="高程(m)" path="h">
-                    <n-input class="flex-1" v-model:value="formRowValue.h" placeholder="请输入高程(m)"/>
-                </n-form-item>
-                <n-form-item label="等级">
-                    <n-select class="flex-1" v-model:value="formRowValue.level" :options="personData" placeholder="请选择等级"/>
-                </n-form-item>
-                <n-form-item label="备注">
-                    <n-input v-model:value="formRowValue.remark" placeholder="请输入文字说明" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 3,maxRows: 5}"/>
-                </n-form-item>
-            </n-form>
-            <template #action>
-                <div class="text-center">
-                    <n-button class="px-5" @click="showRowModal = false">取消</n-button>
-                    <n-button type="primary" class="px-5 ml-4" :loading="saveFormLoading" @click="saveFormClick">保存</n-button>
-                </div>
-            </template>
-        </n-card>
-    </n-modal>
-    <!--导入 弹框-->
-    <n-modal v-model:show="showImportModal">
-        <n-card class="w-750" :title="'导入' + getModalTitle()" :segmented="{content: true}">
-            <div class="hc-import-modal-box">
-                <div class="tip-box">
-                    <span>请先下载导入模板(</span>
-                    <a class="text-link" href="https://bladex-test-info.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com//upload/20220614/a4b08ea228dbf74db1c049c4d878fbe7.xlsx" target="_blank" v-if="tabsTypeKey==='1'">导线点导入模板</a>
-                    <a class="text-link" href="https://bladex-test-info.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com//upload/20220629/5fa2abeaa1ad553ee4adf64118df4e2a.xlsx" target="_blank" v-if="tabsTypeKey==='0'">水准点导入模板</a>
-                    <span> ),按模板样式编辑测站点后,再点击"选择文件"按钮选择编辑好的文件,并点击底部的"确认导入"按钮即可导入成功!</span>
-                </div>
-                <div class="upload-box">
-                    <n-upload ref="uploadRef" :action="action" :headers="getTokenHeader()" :data="upData" :max="1" :accept="accept" :default-upload="false" multiple @change="handleUploadChange" @finish="uploadFinish">
-                        <n-button type="primary" class="px-4">选择文件</n-button>
-                    </n-upload>
-                </div>
-                <div class="text-orange">导入模板格式示例:</div>
-                <div class="demo-img-box" v-if="tabsTypeKey==='1'">
-                    <img src="../../assets/view/152221@2x.png" alt="">
-                </div>
-                <div class="demo-img-box" v-if="tabsTypeKey==='0'">
-                    <img src="../../assets/view/152211@2x.png" alt="">
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <template #action>
-                <div class="text-center">
-                    <n-button class="px-4" @click="showImportModal = false">取消</n-button>
-                    <n-button type="primary" :disabled="!fileListLength" :loading="importLoading" class="px-4 ml-4" @click="handleImportClick">确认导入</n-button>
-                </div>
-            </template>
-        </n-card>
-    </n-modal>
-<script setup>
-import {ref,watch,onMounted} from "vue";
-import {useAppStore} from "~src/store/index";
-import HcTabs from "~com/plugins/naive/HcTabs.vue"
-import HcPage from "~com/plugins/naive/HcPage.vue"
-import {renderTableEditDelButton} from "~src/plugins/renderele";
-import {getTokenHeader} from '~src/api/request/header';
-import station from '~api/gauge/station';
-import {download} from "~src/utils/lib/tools";
-const useAppState = useAppStore()
-const projectId = ref(useAppState.getProjectId);
-const contractId = ref(useAppState.getContractId);
-const bubbleVal = ref(useAppState.getBubble);
-watch(() => [
-    useAppState.getProjectId,
-    useAppState.getContractId,
-    useAppState.getBubble,
-], ([UserProjectId,UserContractId,Bubble]) => {
-    projectId.value = UserProjectId
-    contractId.value = UserContractId
-    //按钮气泡开关
-    bubbleVal.value = Bubble
-const getButtonsVal = (value) => {
-    return useAppState.getButtonsVal(value)
-const btn_add = ref(getButtonsVal('gauge-station-add'))
-const btn_import = ref(getButtonsVal('gauge-station-import'))
-const btn_export = ref(getButtonsVal('gauge-station-export'))
-const btn_edit = ref(getButtonsVal('gauge-station-edit'))
-const btn_del = ref(getButtonsVal('gauge-station-del'))
-const searchForm = ref({
-    projectId: projectId.value,
-    contractId: contractId.value,
-    name: null, type: '1',
-    current: 1, size: 20, total: 0
-const tabsTypeKey = ref('1')
-const tabsTypeData = ref([
-    {key:'0',  name: '水准点'},
-    {key:'1', name: '导线点'}
-const tabsTypeChange = (value) => {
-    tabsTypeKey.value = value;
-    searchForm.value.type = value;
-    searchForm.value.current = 1
-    getTableData()
-onMounted(() => {
-    getTableData()
-const showRowModal = ref(false)
-const formRowRef = ref(null)
-const formRowValue = ref({
-    projectId: projectId.value,
-    contractId: contractId.value,
-    type: tabsTypeKey.value,
-    name: '', x: '', y: '', h: '', level: null, remark: null
-const personData = ref([
-    {label: "一级", value: "一级"}, {label: "二级", value: "二级"},
-    {label: "三级", value: "三级"}, {label: "四级", value: "四级"}
-const rulesRow = {
-    name: {
-        required: true,
-        trigger: ["blur", "input"],
-        message: "请输入测站点名称"
-    },
-    x: {
-        required: true,
-        trigger: ["blur", "input"],
-        message: "请输入X坐标(m)"
-    },
-    y: {
-        required: true,
-        trigger: ["blur", "input"],
-        message: "请输入Y坐标(m)"
-    },
-    h: {
-        required: true,
-        trigger: ["blur", "input"],
-        message: "请输入高程(m)"
-    }
-const rowModalTitle = () => {
-    let formType = '新增', tabType = '异常了';
-    if (formRowValue.value.id) {
-        formType = '编辑'
-    }
-    if (tabsTypeKey.value === '1') {
-        tabType = '导线点'
-    } else if (tabsTypeKey.value === '0') {
-        tabType = '水准点'
-    }
-    return formType + tabType
-//导线点的 表格表头
-const createTraverseColumns = ({edit,del}) => {
-    return [
-        {title: '序号', key: 'num', width: 80, align: 'center',
-            render(_, index) {
-                return index + 1
-            }
-        },
-        {title: '测站点名称', key: 'name'},
-        {title: 'X坐标(m)', key: 'x'},
-        {title: 'Y坐标(m)', key: 'y'},
-        {title: '高程(m)', key: 'h'},
-        {title: '等级', key: 'level'},
-        {title: '备注', key: 'remark'},
-        {title: "操作", key: "actions", width: 160, align: 'center',
-            render(row) {
-                return renderTableEditDelButton({
-                    bubble: bubbleVal.value,
-                    btn_edit: btn_edit.value,
-                    btn_del: btn_del.value,
-                    edit_event: edit,
-                    del_event: del,
-                    row:row
-                })
-            }
-        }
-    ];
-const traverseColumns = createTraverseColumns({
-    edit(row) {
-        let form = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row));
-        let mile = ['name', 'x', 'y', 'h', 'level', 'remark']
-        mile.forEach((key) => {
-            formRowValue.value[key] = form[key] + '';
-        })
-        formRowValue.value['id'] = form.id;
-        formRowValue.value['projectId'] = projectId.value;
-        formRowValue.value['contractId'] = contractId.value;
-        showRowModal.value = true
-    },
-    del(row) {
-        station.delData({
-            ids: row.id
-        }).then(({data}) => {
-            if (data.code === 200) {
-                window?.$message?.success('删除成功')
-                getTableData()
-            } else {
-                window?.$message?.error('删除失败')
-            }
-        })
-    },
-const traverseTable = ref([]);
-//水准点的 表格表头
-const createLevelColumns = ({edit,del}) => {
-    return [
-        {title: '序号', key: 'num', width: 80, align: 'center',
-            render(_, index) {
-                return index + 1
-            }
-        },
-        {title: '测站点名称', key: 'name'},
-        {title: '高程(m)', key: 'h'},
-        {title: '等级', key: 'level'},
-        {title: '备注', key: 'remark'},
-        {title: "操作", key: "actions", width: 160, align: 'center',
-            render(row) {
-                return renderTableEditDelButton({
-                    bubble: bubbleVal.value,
-                    btn_edit: btn_edit.value,
-                    btn_del: btn_del.value,
-                    edit_event: edit,
-                    del_event: del,
-                    row:row
-                })
-            }
-        }
-    ];
-const levelColumns = createLevelColumns({
-    edit(row) {
-        let form = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row));
-        let mile = ['name', 'h', 'level', 'remark'];
-        mile.forEach((key) => {
-            formRowValue.value[key] = form[key] + '';
-        })
-        formRowValue.value['id'] = form.id;
-        formRowValue.value['projectId'] = projectId.value;
-        formRowValue.value['contractId'] = contractId.value;
-        showRowModal.value = true
-    },
-    del(row) {
-        station.delData({
-            ids: row.id
-        }).then(({data}) => {
-            if (data.code === 200) {
-                window?.$message?.success('删除成功')
-                getTableData()
-            } else {
-                window?.$message?.error('删除失败')
-            }
-        })
-    },
-const levelTable = ref([]);
-const AddRowClick = () => {
-    if (tabsTypeKey.value === '0') {
-        formRowValue.value = {
-            projectId: projectId.value,
-            contractId: contractId.value,
-            type: tabsTypeKey.value,
-            name: '', h: '', level: null, remark: null
-        }
-    } else if (tabsTypeKey.value === '1') {
-        formRowValue.value = {
-            projectId: projectId.value,
-            contractId: contractId.value,
-            type: tabsTypeKey.value,
-            name: '', x: '', y: '', h: '', level: null, remark: null
-        }
-    }
-    showRowModal.value = true
-const saveFormLoading = ref(false)
-const saveFormClick = () => {
-    const form = formRowValue.value
-    if (!!form.id) {
-        saveFormLoading.value = true
-        station.updateSave(formRowValue.value).then(({data}) => {
-            saveFormLoading.value = false
-            if (data.code === 200) {
-                getTableData()
-                showRowModal.value = false
-                window?.$message?.success('保存成功')
-            } else {
-                window?.$message?.error('保存失败')
-            }
-        }).catch(() => {
-            saveFormLoading.value = false
-        })
-    } else {
-        saveFormLoading.value = true
-        station.addSave(formRowValue.value).then(({data}) => {
-            saveFormLoading.value = false
-            if (data.code === 200) {
-                getTableData()
-                showRowModal.value = false
-                window?.$message?.success('新增成功')
-            } else {
-                window?.$message?.error('新增失败')
-            }
-        }).catch(() => {
-            saveFormLoading.value = false
-        })
-    }
-const showImportModal = ref(false)
-const fileListLength = ref(0);
-const uploadRef = ref(null);
-const importLoading = ref(false)
-const action = '/api/blade-business/dap/import';
-const accept = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/vnd.ms-excel';
-const upData = ref({
-    projectId: projectId.value,
-    contractId: contractId.value,
-    type: tabsTypeKey.value
-const importModalClick  = () => {
-    upData.value = {
-        projectId: projectId.value,
-        contractId: contractId.value,
-        type: tabsTypeKey.value
-    }
-    showImportModal.value = true
-const handleUploadChange = (options) => {
-    fileListLength.value = options.fileList.length;
-const handleImportClick = () => {
-    importLoading.value = true
-    uploadRef.value?.submit();
-const uploadFinish = ({event}) => {
-    importLoading.value = false
-    let res = JSON.parse(event?.target?.response);
-    if (res.code === 200) {
-        window?.$message?.success('导入成功')
-        showImportModal.value = false
-        getTableData()
-    } else {
-        window?.$message?.error(res.msg||'导入失败')
-    }
-const getModalTitle = () => {
-    let tabType = '异常了';
-    if (tabsTypeKey.value === '1') {
-        tabType = '导线点'
-    } else if (tabsTypeKey.value === '0') {
-        tabType = '水准点'
-    }
-    return tabType
-const exportModalClick  = () => {
-    window?.$dialog?.warning({
-        title: "导出数据",
-        content: "将导出当前所有数据",
-        positiveText: "确定导出",
-        negativeText: "取消",
-        onPositiveClick: () => {
-            station.getExportExcel({
-                projectId: projectId.value,
-                contractId: contractId.value,
-                type: tabsTypeKey.value,
-                search: searchForm.value['name'] || ''
-            }).then(res => {
-                download(res)
-            })
-        }
-    });
-const searchChange = () => {
-    searchForm.value.current = 1
-    getTableData()
-const pageChange = (res) => {
-    searchForm.value.current = res.current;
-    searchForm.value.size = res.size;
-    getTableData()
-const getTableData = () => {
-    station.queryListData(searchForm.value).then(({data}) => {
-        let res = data['data'] || {}
-        if (tabsTypeKey.value === '0') {
-            levelTable.value = res['records'] || []
-        } else if (tabsTypeKey.value === '1') {
-            traverseTable.value = res['records'] || []
-        }
-        searchForm.value.total = res.total || 0
-    })
-<style lang="scss" scoped>
-@import '../../styles/gauge/station.scss';