ZaiZai 4 months ago
1 changed files with 66 additions and 4 deletions
  1. 66 4

+ 66 - 4

@@ -48,11 +48,14 @@
                 <div v-if="isResetFun" class="hc-formula-reset-fun mb-14px">
                     <hc-body split padding="0">
                         <template #left>
-                            <hc-card class="reset-fun-left-card">
+                            <hc-card class="reset-fun-left-card" scrollbar :loading="treeResetFunLoading">
                                 <template #header>
                                     <hc-search-input v-model="resetFunTree" @search="resetFunTreeSearch" />
-                                自定义左边的区域
+                                <el-tree
+                                    ref="treeResetFunLazyRef" :default-expanded-keys="treeResetFunLazyExpanded" node-key="id" :props="defaultProps"
+                                    :expand-on-click-node="false" highlight-current lazy :load="treeResetFunLazyLoad" @node-click="treeResetFunLazyClick"
+                                />
                         <hc-card class="reset-fun-right-card">
@@ -73,10 +76,11 @@
 <script setup>
-import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
-import { deepClone, getObjValue, isNullES } from 'js-fast-way'
+import { nextTick, ref, watch } from 'vue'
+import { deepClone, getArrValue, getObjValue, isNullES } from 'js-fast-way'
 import mainApi from '~api/project/formula'
 import eleApi from '~api/project/element'
+import priApi from '~api/wbs/private'
 const props = defineProps({
     data: {
@@ -186,6 +190,64 @@ const resetFunClick = () => {
     isScrollBar.value = !isResetFun.value
+const defaultProps = {
+    label: 'title',
+    children: 'children',
+    isLeaf: (data) => {
+        return !data.hasChildren
+    },
+const treeResetFunLazyRef = ref(null)
+const treeResetFunLazyExpanded = ref([])
+const treeResetFunLoading = ref(false)
+const treeResetFunLazyLoad = async (node, resolve) => {
+    const { level, data } = node
+    let parentId = level !== 0 ? : 12345678910
+    const { eleType, node: dataNode, tableType } = getObjValue(dataInfo.value)
+    const treeNode = getObjValue(dataNode)
+    if (level === 0) treeResetFunLoading.value = true
+    if (!eleType) {
+        //获取接口数据
+        const { data } = await priApi.tabTypeLazyTreeAll({
+            parentId,
+            current: 1,
+            size: 99999,
+            hasPartFormula: treeNode.hasPartFormula,
+        })
+        const res = getArrValue(data.records)
+        treeResetFunLoading.value = false
+        resolve(res)
+        //处理返回的数据
+        await nextTick()
+        //处理展开
+        try {
+            const expandId = tableType ? Number(treeNode.tableType) - 1 : Number(treeNode.parentId) - 1
+            if (!isNullES(expandId) && expandId >= 0) node.childNodes[expandId].expand()
+        } catch { /* empty */ }
+        //处理选中
+        try {
+            const paramsId = treeNode.initTableId
+            if (!isNullES(paramsId)) {
+                treeResetFunLazyRef.value?.setCurrentKey(paramsId)
+            }
+        } catch { /* empty */ }
+    } else if (eleType) {
+        resolve([])
+    }
+const treeResetFunLazyClick = () => {
 const resetFunTree = ref('')
 const resetFunTreeSearch = () => {